
Department Overview

The faculty and staff of the Department of Grain Science and Industry are dedicated to meeting the scholarship, research, and outreach needs of the students, professionals, and industries we serve.

Our diverse and knowledgeable faculty come from all over the world and are known experts in their field. Notably, several current and former Grain Science and Industry faculty members are listed as being in the top 2% of researchers in the world, according to a 2020 study done by Stanford University.

Mission Statement

"The mission of the Department of Grain Science and Industry is to advance the global grain and plant-based food, feed, and bioproduct industries through scholarship, research, and outreach."

What We Offer


The Department of Grain Science and Industry offers unique academic programs that prepare students for success in large and stable industries that cannot be found elsewhere.

For more than a 110 years, Kansas State University has provided the world with unparalleled expertise in flour milling. Our department has a long standing history of developing degree programs that meet the needs of the industries we serve. Since 1951, we are one of the very few places in the world to offer four-year bachelor of science degrees in the areas of Bakery Science and Management , Feed and Pet Food Science , and Milling Science and Management . Our students benefit from exceptional faculty, resources, and opportunities such as paid internships and 100% job placement.

Additionally, our internationally recognized graduate program, offers a wide variety of opportunities for graduate study in areas of both applied and basic research leading to Masters or Doctoral degrees in Grain Science


The Department of Grain Science and Industry is home to the International Grains Program (IGP) Institute. The IGP Institute provides technical, research-based training to industry professionals globally in an effort to enhance the market preference for U.S. grains and oilseeds. Course offerings are led by KSU faculty and industry professionals in the areas of flour milling and grain processing, grain marketing and risk management, and feed manufacturing and grain management. Along with on-campus trainings, our faculty lead customized on-location workshops as well as distance education courses.