McKinney, Leland


View Entire List of Publications, Abstracts, Grants and Symposia and Conference Proceedings

Impact of Pelleting and Acid Pretreatment on Biomass Structure and Thermal Properties of Wheat Straw, Corn Stover, Big Bluestem, and Sorghum Stalk . K. Theerarattananoon, F. Xu, J. Wilson, S. Staggenborg, L. McKinney, P. Vadlani, Z. J. Pei, D. Wang; Transactions of the ASABE. 55(5) 1845-1858.

An experimental comparison of two pelleting methods for cellulosic ethanol manufacturing. Zhang, Q.; Zhang, P.; Pei, Z.; Wilson, J.; McKinney, L. ASME (Paper No. MSEC2011-50125)

Physical properties of pellets made from sorghum stalk, corn stover, wheat straw, and big bluestem. Theerarattananoon, K.; Xu, F.; Wilson, J.; Ballard, T.; McKinney, L.; Staggenborg, S.; Vadlani, P.; Pei, Z.; Wang, D. Industrial Crops and Products, 33: 325-332.

Stored-Product Insects Carry Antibiotic-Resistant and Potentially Virulent Enterococci. Lakshmikanta, C.H.; Subramanyam, Bh.; McKinney, L.; Zurek, L. FEMS Microbiol. Ecol. 74:464-471.

Polyphasic characterization of antibiotic resistant and virulent enterococci isolated from animal feed. Channaiah, L.; Bh. Subramanyam; L. Zurek; L. McKinney, Appl. Environ. Microbiol. (AEMTMP-02748-091).

The Importance of Defining the Methods Used to determine and Express Fineness of Feed Materials by Sieving. Wurth, C.; Fahrenholz, A.; McKinney, L.; Behnke, K. Cooperative Extension Service, MF-2952, Kansas State University.

Kansas Wheat Harvest Crop Quality Report. Fowler, M.; McKinney, L. Cooperative Extension Service, MF-2773, Kansas State University.

Harvesting Freeze-Damaged Sorghum. Roozeboom, K.; McKinney, L. Cooperative Extension Service, MF-1081. Kansas State University.

The effect of adding water into the mixer on pelleting efficiency and pellet quality in diets for finishing pigs without and with use of an expander. K.K. Lundblad, J.D. Hancock, K.C. Behnke, E. Prestløkken, L.J. McKinney, M. Sørensen. Animal Feed Science and Technology. 150: 295–302

Annual Quality Survey of the U.S. Winter Wheat. McKinney, L.; Miller, R.; Fowler, M. Cooperative Extension Service, MF-2861, Kansas State University

Preferred Hard Wheat Varieties for Milling and Baking. Miller, R.; Lingenfelser, J.; McKinney, L. Cooperative Extension Service, MF-1077, Kansas State University.

Effect of Glycerol on Flow Ability of Swine Diets. Groesbeck, C.; McKinney, L.; DeRouchey, J.; Tokach, M.; Goodband, R.; Nelssen, J.; Dritz, L. Kansas Agricultural Experment Station Rep. Prog. No. 985.

Effect of Glycerol on Pellet Mill Production Efficiency. Groesbeck, C.; McKinney, L.; DeRouchey, J.; Tokach, M.; Goodband, R.; Nelssen, J.; Dritz, S. Kansas Agricultural Experiment Station Rep. Prog. No. 985.

The effect of moisture content on determining corn hardness from grinding time, grinding energy and near-infrared spectroscopy of whole kernel and ground material. Armstrong, P.; Lingenfelser, J. and McKinney, L. ASAE. 23(6): 793-799.

Principles of Feed Manufacturing: Efficient Boiler Operation. McKinney, L.; Behnke, K. Cooperative Extension Service, MF-2807, Kansas State University.

2006 Hard Red Winter Wheat Quality Survey of the Great Plains. McKinney, L.; Lingenfelser, J.; Fowler, M. Cooperative Extension Service, MF-2773, Kansas State University.

Particle Size Reduction. McKinney, L. Cooperative Extension Service, MP-177, Oklahoma State University Cattle Grain Processing Symposium. Oklahoma State University.

Predicting effective caloric value of non-nutritive factors: III. Pelleting improves net energy through reducing activity of boilers; depending upon strain, age, and previous experience. Skinner-Noble, D.; McKinney, L. and Teeter, R. Poultry Science. 84: 403-411.

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