Haque, Ekramul
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Refereed Journal
1. Brabec, D. L., R. Maghirang, M. Casada, and E. Haque. 2004. Characterization and Modeling of a High-Pressure Water-Fogging System for Grain Dust Control. KSU Ag. Expt. Station Contr. No. 04-089- J. To be published in ASAE Transactions.
2. Pasikatan, M. C., E. Haque, C. K. Spillman, J. L. Steele, and G. A. Milliken. 2003. Granulation Sensing of First-Break Ground Wheat Using a Near Infrared Reflectance Spectrometer: Studies with Soft Red Winter Wheats. Journal of Science of Food and Agriculture. 83(3):151-157
3. Haque, E. 2003. Granulation Sensing of First-Break Ground Wheat Using a Near-Infrared Reflectance Spectrometer. International Association of Operative Millers Bulletin: 7947-7952.
4. Pasikatan, M. C., J. L. Steele, E. Haque, C. K. Spillman, and G. A. Milliken. 2002. Evaluation of Near Infrared Reflectance Spectroscopy as a Granulation Sensor for First-Break Ground Wheat: Studies with Hard Red Winter Wheat. Cereal Chemistry. 79(1): 92-97.
5. Pasikatan, M. C., J. L. Steele, C. K. Spillman, and E. Haque. 2001. Near Infrared Reflectance Spectroscopy for Online Particle Size Analysis of Powders and Ground Materials. Journal of Near Infrared Spectroscopy. 9(3): 153-164.
6. Pasikatan, M.C., E. Haque, J. L. Steele, C. K. Spillman, and G. A. Milliken. 2001. Evaluation of a Near Infrared Reflectance Spectrometer as a Granulation Sensor for First-Break Ground Wheat : Studies with Six Wheat Classes. Cereal Chemistry. 78(6): 730-736.
7. Pasikatan, M. C., G. A. Milliken, J. L. Steele, C. K. Spillman, and E. Haque. 2001. Modeling the Size Properties of First-Break Ground Wheat. Transactions of Am. Soc. Of Agr. Engrs. 44(6): 1727-1735.
8. Pasikatan, M. C., G. A. Milliken, J. L. Steele, E. Haque, and C. K. Spillman. 2001. Modeling of Energy Requirements of First-Break Grinding. Transactions of Am. Soc. Of Agr. Engrs. 44(6): 1737-1744.
9. Haque, E. 2001. Electricity Cost and Its Management. Association of Operative Millers Bulletin. April 2001: 7617-7621.
10. Fang, Q., M. A. Hanna, E. Haque, and C. K. Spillman. 2000. Neural Network Modeling of Energy Requirements for Size Reduction of Wheat. Transactions of Am. Soc. Of Agr. Engrs. 43(4): 947-952.
11. Fang, Q., G. Biby, E. Haque, M. Hanna and C.K. Spillman. 1998. Neural Network Modeling of Physical Properties of Ground Wheat. Cereal Chemistry. 75(2): 251-253.
12. Reddy, P.V., Q. Fang, E. Haque, C.K. Spillman and J.L. Steele. 1998. Energy Requirements for Size Reduction of Wheat in First Break Milling. Association of Operative Millers Bulletin: 7065-7070.
13. Fang, Q., I. Bölöni, E. Haque, and C.K. Spillman. 1997. Comparison of Energy Efficiency Between a roller Mill and a Hammer Mill. Applied Engineering in Agriculture. 13(5): 631-635.
14. Fang, Q., E. Haque, C.K. Spillman, P.V. Reddy, and J.L. Steele. 1998. Energy Requirement for Size Reduction of Wheat Using a Roller Mill. Transactions of the Am. Soc. Of Agr. Engrs. 41(6):1713-1720.
15. Guritano, P., and E. Haque. 1994. Relationship Between Energy and Size Reduction of Grains Using a Three-Roller Mill. Transactions of the Am. Soc. of Agr. Engrs. 37(4):1243-1248.
16. Shen, L., E. Haque, and E.S. Posner. 1994. Saltation Velocity of Wheat Materials in Horizontal Flow. Transactions of the Am. Soc. of Agr. Engrs. 37(2):577-580.
17. Haque, E. 1991. Three-Roller Cereal Mill Using Triangular Roll Configuration. Transactions of the Am. Soc. of Agr. Engrs. 34(5):2104-2109.
18. Guritno, P., E. Haque, and D. S. Chung. 1991. Moisture Adsorption of Bagged Grain Under Tropical Conditions. Transactions of the Am. Soc. of Agr. Engrs. 34(5): 2131-2134.
19. Haque, E. 1991. Cereal Mill System. US Patent No. 5,042,728 US Commissioner of Patents. Washington, DC.
20. Slocombe, J. W., J. P. Harner, and E. Haque. 1989. Joint Industry - University Educational Program to Enhance Electricity Use Efficiency and Safety Applied Engineering in Agriculture. 5(1): 10-12.
21. Haque, E., G. H. Foster, D. S. Chung, and F. S. Lai. 1983. Effect of Fines on Airflow Resistance of Shelled Corn in Am. Soc. of Agr. Engrs. 1983-1984 Agricultural Engineers Yearbook of Standards: 306.
22. Haque, E., Y. N. Ahmed, and C. W. Deyoe. 1982. Static Pressure Drop in a Fixed Bed of Grain as Affected by Grain Moisture Content. Transactions of the Am. Soc. of Agr. Engrs. 25(4): 1095-1098.
23. Haque, E., D. S. Chung, and G. H. Foster. 1981. Analytical Solution of the Pressure and Velocity Field in Steady State Incompressible Axisymmetric Darcy Flow Through Granular Materials Such as Corn. Transactions of the Am. Soc. of Agr. Engrs. 24(6): 1618-1620.
24. Haque, E., D. S. Chung, and G. H. Foster. 1981. Pressure and Velocity Field in Airflow Through Packed Bed of Corn Mixed with Fines Under Non-Darcy Flow Conditions. Transactions of the Am. Soc. of Agr. Engrs. 24(6): 1595-1599, 1604.
25. Haque, E., G. H. Foster, D. S. Chung, and F. S. Lai. 1978. Static Pressure Drop Across a Bed of Corn Mixed with Fines. Transactions of the Am. Soc. of Agr. Engrs. 21(5): 997-1000.
Book Chapter
Haque, E. 1994. Electricity Rate Schedules and Bills. Feed Manufacturing Technology IV, pp 420-423, American Feed Industry Association, Arlington, VA.
Non-Refereed Publications
1. Haque, E. 2000. Improving Motor Efficiencies Can Help Trim Electricity Costs in Flour Mills. World Grain, June 2000: 64-69.
2. Haque, E. 1991. Application of Size Reduction Theory to Roller Mill Design and Operation. Cereal Foods World 36(4): 368-375.
3. Haque, E. 1991. Reinventing the Roller Mill. Feed International. March 1991: 34-36.
4. Haque, E. 1990. Roller Mills: An Advanced Three-Roller Design Feed Management. July 1990: 24-26.
5. Harner, J. P., E. Haque, and J. P. Murphy. 1986. Selecting Steel Grain Bins. KSU Cooperative Extension Service Ag Facts, AF-148.
Other Papers
1. Pasikatan, M. C., E. Haque, C. K. Spillman, J. L. Steele, and G. A. Milliken. 2003. Granulation Sensing of First-Break Ground Wheat Using Near-Infrared Reflectance Spectrometer. A Technical Paper Presented in the International Association of Operative Millers Technical Conference and Trade Show, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.2. Pasikatan, M. C., J. L, Steele, C. K. Spillman, and E. Haque. 1999. Representative Sampling of First Break Ground Wheat. American Society of Agricultural Engineers Paper No. 99-6017. Presented in ASAE Annual International Meeting, Toronto, Canada.
3. Pasikatan, M. C., J. L. Steele, G. A. Milliken, C. K. Spillman, and E. Haque. 1999. Particle Size Distribution and Sieving Characteristics of First-Break Ground Wheat. American Society of Agricultural Engineers Paper No. NC 99-129. Presented in ASAE Mid-Central Conference, St. Joseph, Missouri.
4. Pasikatan, M. C., E. Haque, S. Keller-McNulty, J. S. Steele, Q. Fang, C.K Spillman, and W. Gao. 1998. Single Kernel Wheat Physical Properties and First-Break Grinding. A paper presented in American Society of Agricultural Engineers Mid-Central Conference, St. Joseph, MO.
5. Haque, E., Q. Fang, P.V. Reddy, C.K. Spillman, and J.L. Steele. 1995. Granulation Index of Break Roll Products of Flour Mill. A Paper Written for Publication in Association of Operative Miller's Bulletin.
6. Fang, Q., E. Haque, C.K. Spillman, P.V. Reddy, and J.L. Steele. 1995. Development of an Experimental Roller Mill with Computerized Data Acquisition System. American Society of Agricultural Engineers Paper No. MC 95-108. St. Joseph, MI 49085.
7. Fang, Q., E. Haque, C.K. Spillman, P.V. Reddy and J.L. Steele. 1995. Energy Requirements for Size Reduction Using a Roller Mill. American Society of Agricultural Engineers Paper No. 956675. St. Joseph, MI.
8. Chung, D. S., E. Maghirang and E. Haque. 1995. Small-Scale Study of Corn In-Bin Drying with a Desiccant System. Final Project Report to Kansas Value Added Center.
9. Chung, D. S., E. Maghirang and E. Haque. 1995. Small-Scale Study of Corn In-Bin Drying with a Desiccant System. Second Project Report to Kansas Value Added Center.
10. Chung, D. S., E. Maghirang and E. Haque. 1995. Small-Scale Study of Corn In-Bin Drying with a Desiccant System. Second Project Report to Kansas Value Added Center.
11. Guritno, P. and E. Haque. 1993. KSU Ag. Expt. Station Contribution No. 93-558-J. Analysis of Size Reduction of Grains Using a Three-Roller Mill.
12. Guritno, P. and E. Haque. 1993. KSU Ag. Expt. Station Contribution No. 93-560-J. Comparison of a Three-Roller Mill and a Two-High Roller Mill for Grinding Grain.
Papers Presented in Technical Meetings (Unpublished manuscripts)
1. Haque, E. 1980. Design Procedures for Grain Storage Bins. Am. Soc. of Engrs. Mid-Central Regional Meeting, St. Joseph, Missouri. Paper No. MCR-80-404.
2. Lai, F. S. And E. Haque. 1976. Three Dimensional Flow of Air Through Non-Uniform Grain Beds. Am. Soc. of Agr. Engrs. Meeting, St. Joseph, Missouri 49085. Paper No. 76-3529.
Selected Reports Only (Not all)
Kansas State University, Food and Feed Grains Institute (FFGI)
1. Haque, E. 1990. A Natural Convection Grain Dryer for Humid Developing Countries. FFGI Research Report No. 33.
2. Borsdorf, R., et al. 1987. Bulk Wheat Handling and Storage Pilot Project in Pakistan. FFGI Pakistan Report No. 2.
3. Shuyler, H., et al. 1986. Review of Feasibility of Bulk Wheat Handling and Storage in Pakistan, Consultants Report. FFGI Pakistan Report No. 1.
4. Borsdorf, R., K. Foster, and E. Haque. 1985. Feasibility of a Grain Price Stabilization Program in Haiti. FFGI Technical Assistance Report No. 103.
5. Borsdorf, R., and E. Haque. 1985. ENAC Capacities for Storing and Conditioning 1985 Rice and Corn Harvest. FFGI Technical Assistance Report No. 101.
6. Haque, E. 1984. Grain Storage and Handling in Jordan: Ministry of Supply Silos at Aqaba, Juweideh, and Irbid. FFGI Technical Assistance Report No. 98.
7. Borsdorf, R., and E. Haque. 1984. Project Design, Storage and Inventory Loan Component, Kordofan Rainfed Agriculture Project (650-0054), Sudan. FFGI Technical Assistance Report No. 96.
9. Haque, E. 1981. Insect Infestation in Wheat Seeds (Pavon F-76) Imported From Mexico in 1980 by Bangladesh Agricultural Development Corporation. FFGI Technical Assistance Report.
10. Haque, E., and H. Kiser. 1981. An Analysis of Grain Drying, Storage and Marketing in the Upper Huallaga Area Development Project and the Sub-Tropical Lands Development Area in Peru. FFGI Technical Assistance Report No. 83.
11. Kiser, H., and E. Haque. 1980. A Feasibility Study of Converting the Bagged Grain Storage and Handling System for a Low-Cost Extrusion and Cooking Plant in San Jose, Costa Rica, and Postharvest Soybean System Assessment. FFGI Technical Assistance Report No. 81.