Seib, Paul

Seib, Paul Emeritus Professor

SH 210
Shellenberger Hall
Manhattan, KS 66506

Area(s) of Specialization

Carbohydrate Chemistry

View My Curriculum Vitae (PDF)


B.S. Chemical Engineering, Purdue University, 1958
Ph.D. Biochemistry, Purdue University, 1965


Bio Brief


Assistant Professor, The Institute of Paper Chemistry 1965 - 1970
Associate Professor, Kansas State University 1970 - 1978
Professor, Kansas State University 1978-present

Honorary and Professional Societies

1. Sigma Xi
2. American Association for the Advancement of Science
3. American Chemical Society
4. American Association of Cereal Chemists
5. Institute of Food Technologists
6. Japanese Society of Applied Glycosciences
7. Bio-Environmental Degradable Polymer Society

Professional Activities

1. Chairman of the Carbohydrate Division of the American Assoc. of Cereal Chemists (1981).
2. Associate Editor of Cereal Chem. (1977-1980; 1995-1998).
3. Chairman, Division of Carbohydrate Chemistry of the American Chemical Society (1986).
4. Director, American Association of Cereal Chemists (1988-90).
5. Chairman, Carbohydrate Division, Institute of Food Tech. (1989).
6. Technical Program Chairman, Starch Round Table (1991).
7. Editorial Board, Carbohydrate Polymers (1992-present).
8. Board of Directors, USA Starch Round Table (1993-1999).
9. Chair of Board, USA Starch Round Table (1994-95).
10. Advisory Board, Starch/Staerke (1999-present).

Fields of Research

Carbohydrate chemistry, starch science and technology, and cereal science.


Award of Merit, Japanese Society of Applied Glycosciences (1993).
Melville L. Wolfrom Award, Division of Carbohydrate Chemistry, American Chemical Society (1997).
Excellence in Teaching Award, American Assoc. Cereal Chemists (1998).
Fellow, American Assoc. Cereal Chemists (1998).
Alsberg-Schoch Memorial Lectureship Award, American Assoc. Cereal Chemists (1999).
Commerce Bank Distinguished Graduate Faculty Member Award, Kansas State University (2001)
Thomas Burr Osborne Medal, American Assoc. Cereal Chemists (2002)
Fellow, American Association for the Advancement of Science (2002)
Outstanding Food Science Award, Purdue University (2002)
Highly Cited Researcher; ISI-Thompson Scientific, Philadelphia, PA (2002).
Expanding Economic and Trade Opportunities Award, USDA, White Wheat Team (2002).
Intellectual Property Career Achievement Award, Kansas State University Research Foundation (2004).


Cereal carbohydrates, including starch, cellulose, hemicellulose, vitamin C; oriental noodles; and wet-milling of grain.