Dogan, Huseyin

Professor of Practice
Huseyin bio

Manhattan, KS 66506

Area(s) of Specialization

Process flow diagram for grain operations, power distribution and management on grain processing facilities, flour and feed technology, 2D and 3D plant design with AutoCAD

View My Curriculum Vitae (PDF)


B.S. Mechanical Engineering, Middle East Technical University, Turkey, 1989

Bio Brief

Huseyin Dogan joined the Department of Grain Science and Industry at Kansas State University in 2006 as an Associate Engineer. Two years later, he joined the department’s faculty as an Instructor & Associate Engineer. Prof. Dogan is responsible for teaching the CAD-Flow Sheets for Grain Processes (GRSC 210), Electricity and Industrial Power Distribution (GRSC 560), Cereal Food Plant Design (GRSC 555), and Fundamentals of Grain Processing (GRSC 101- distance version) undergraduate courses. Additionally, Huseyin is the Coordinator for the department’s online Bakery Science Stand-Alone Minor program.

Huseyin is a bilingual mechanical engineer with 30 years of experience in project management, design, power distribution, and trouble-shooting. He received his bachelor degree in Mechanical Engineering from Middle East Technical University.


Classes Currently Taught:

  • GRSC 210 ‐ CAD Flow Sheets
  • GRSC 555 ‐ Cereal Food Plant Design & Construction
  • GRSC 560 ‐ Electricity and Its Control for Grain Processing
  • GRSC 101 ZA ‐ Introduction to Grain Science and Industry