Kaliramesh Siliveru

Associate Professor Kali Headshot

Shellenberger 209
Manhattan, KS 66506

Area(s) of Specialization

Grain processing and milling, food safety, process modeling and simulation, particle technology and materials handling; physical, chemical, and surface properties and their correlation in food and feed materials.


B.S. Food Science, Acharya N.G Ranga Agricultural University, India, 2010
M.S. Food Process Engineering, Indian Institute of Crop Processing Technology, India, 2012
Ph.D. Grain Science, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS, 2016

Bio Brief

Dr. Kaliramesh (Kali) Siliveru is the associate professor of grain processing in the Department of Grain Science and Industry. He teaches courses over particle technology, advanced grain processing technology, and grain handling. Along with teaching, Siliveru conducts research related to grain processing and storage. He has ample experience with research, having worked as a research assistant in the department of Biosystems Engineering while working on his master's at the University of Manitoba, and then as a research associate for the Department of Biological and Agricultural Engineering. During his career, Siliveru has authored or co-authored 23 refereed journal papers and more than 65 conference papers. Since starting his academic and professional career at K-State, Siliveru has been honored with 13 awards in the department, college, university, national and international levels. A few of these awards include the 2021 Early Career Engineer of the Year of ASABE, The Andersons Early-in-Career Award of Excellence from the U.S. Quality Grains Research Consortium, and the Gamma Sigma Delta Early Career Reward from Gamma Sigma Delta, The Honor Society of Agriculture, ETA Chapter.


Siliveru’s research interests include: milling or processing of wheat, sorghum, and other grains; process modeling and simulation; food safety; particle technology and materials handling; physical, chemical, surface properties and their correlation in food and feed materials.