Karkle, Elisa
Assistant Professor
Area(s) of Specialization
Baking science, nutrition, snack foods, product and ingredient development, shelf life extension and nutritional impact of sourdough.
My Curriculum Vitae (PDF)
• PhD in Grain Science (2011) Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS
• M.Sc. in Food Science (2006) Londrina State University, Londrina, PR Brazil. With distinction
• Bachelor of Science in Human Nutrition (2004) Parana Federal University, Curitiba, PR Brazil
• Certified Baking Technologist (2011) AIB International, Manhattan, KS
Bio Brief
Dr. Karkle was named the new assistant professor of bakery science and management in the grain science department at Kansas State University in June of 2021. She brings a wealth of international industry experience and multiple years as an AIB Instructor. Dr. Karkle will be teaching Bakery Science II (GRSC 637), Bakery Science II Lab (GRSC 638), Bakery Layout (GRSC 670), and will be responsible for the development of new courses to expand the bakery science curriculum. She will also focus on recruiting new students into the bakery science and management program and growing participation in the Bakery Science Club. Dr. Karkle has been working with K-State for several years on projects for the International Grains Program. She has a B.S. in human nutrition, a M.S. in food science, and a Ph.D. in grain science from Kansas State University with emphasis on “better for you” snack foods. After graduation, Karkle has focused on improving the delivery of school-based nutrition and nutrition curriculum in Brazilian grade schools. Prior to joining K-State she was active in consulting, supporting the bakery ingredient industry through development of ingredients to improve the shelf life and nutritional impact of sourdough breads.