Li, Yonghui

Associate Professoryonghui li

Wheat Quality Lab Director

14 Waters Hall
Kansas State University
Manhattan, KS 66506

Group Website

Area(s) of Specialization

Baking science & chemistry; cereal & grain chemistry; protein chemistry & applications; functional cereal foods; protein-based nano-assemblies; bioactive compounds and peptides

View My Curriculum Vitae (PDF)


B.S. Chemical Engineering, Zhejiang University, China, 2005

M.S. Biosystems Engineering, Zhejiang University, China, 2007

Ph.D. Grain Science and Industry, Kansas State University, 2011

Bio Brief

Dr. Yonghui Li is an Associate Professor of Grain Chemistry and the Director of the Wheat Quality Lab at Kansas State University. He also serves as a graduate faculty member of the Food Science Institute. He teaches undergraduate and graduate courses in Grain Analysis (GRSC 405) and Protein Chemistry and Technology (GRSC 850). As the director of the Wheat Quality Lab, he provides support and services for wheat quality research and analysis to breeders, geneticists, producers, researchers, and industries.


Dr. Li’s research focuses on the structure, chemistry, modification, and functionality of grain proteins and bioactive peptides with the aim of developing high-quality, functional grain-based foods, ingredients, and nutraceuticals. He and his team employ and integrate wet chemistry, engineering principles, computational simulation, and applied machine learning to deepen the knowledge and advance the research on proteins and peptides. Since joining the faculty in 2016, Dr. Li has received over $4.2 million in research funding, with $3.3 million awarded as the lead PI, from sources such as the USDA, Kansas grain commissions, and the grain and food industries.


Dr. Li has published 110 journal articles, 130 presentations, 3 book chapters, and 2 patents. He is an associate editor for both Journal of Food Science and Cereal Chemistry and serves on the editorial boards of several other international journals. As a professional member of the Institute of Food Technologists (IFT), Cereals & Grains Association (AACC), American Chemical Society (ACS), and American Oil Chemists' Society (AOCS), Dr. Li continues to make contributions to the field of grain chemistry.