Shi, Yong-Cheng


Structure, birefringence and digestibility of spherulites produced from debranched waxy maize starch. 2021. J. Shi*, M. C. Sweedman*, Y.-C. Shi**. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 183, 1486–1494.

Comparison of the structural and functional properties of starches in rice from main and ratoon crops. 2021. W. Zhang,** , X. Luo, Z. Zhan, Z. Shu, P. Wang, W. Ding, X. Zeng, Y.-C. Shi**. Journal of Cereal Science, 99, 103233.

Whole maize flour and isolated maize starch for production of citric acid by Aspergillus niger : A review. 2021. Z. Tong*, Y. Tong, D. Wang, Y . -C. Shi**. Starch, 2000014.

Changes in molecular size and shape of waxy maize starch during dextrinization. 2021. Z. Sun*, J. Kang*, Y.-C. Shi**. Food Chemistry, 348, 128983.

Properties of extruded cross-linked waxy maize starches and their effects on extruded oat flour. 2021. R. Shukri*, S. Alavi, H. Dogan, Y . -C. Shi**. Carbohydrate Polymers, 253, 117259.

Properties of flour from pearled wheat kernels as affected by ozone treatment. 2021. W. Zhang*, L. Li , Z. Shu, P. Wang, X. Zeng, W. Shen, W. Ding**, Y . -C. Shi**. Food Chemistry, 341, 128203.

Pyrodextrins from waxy and normal tapioca starches: Molecular structure and in vitro digestibility. 2021. W. Weil*, R. C. Weil, S. Keawsompong, K. Sriroth, P. A. Seib, Y.-C. Shi**. Carbohydrate Polymers, 252, 117140.

Preparation and textural properties of white salted noodles made with hard red winter wheat flour partially replaced by different levels of cross-linked phosphorylated RS4 wheat starch. 2020. C.-F. Hsieh*, L.-K. Wang, B. Xu, P. A Seib and Y . -C. Shi**. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 100(15):5334-5343

Physical aspects of the biopolymer matrix in wheat bran and its dissected layers . 2020. A. L. Mense*, C. Zhang, J. Zhao, Q. Liu, Y.-C. Shi**. Journal of Cereal Science, 95, 103002.

Intact endosperm cells in buckwheat flour limit starch gelatinization and digestibility in vitro . 2020.Z. Chen, Q. Huang, Q. Xia, B. Zha, J. Sun, B. Xu, Y . -C. Shi. Food Chemistry, 330,127318.

Gelatinization, pasting and retrogradation properties of hydroxypropylated normal wheat, waxy wheat, and waxy maize starches. 2020. W. Wang*, Y.-C. Shi**. Food Hydrocolloids, 106, 105910.

Pyrodextrin from waxy and normal tapioca starches: Physicochemical properties. 2020. W. Weil*, R. C. Weil, S. Keawsompong, K. Sriroth, P. A. Seib, Y.-C. Shi**. Food Hydrocolloids, 104, 105745.

Recent Advances in the Preparation and Characterization of Intermediately to Highly Esterified and Etherified Starches: A Review. 2020. J. Xu*, T. D. Andrews, and Y.-C. Shi**. Starch, 1900238.

Structure and physicochemical properties of two waxy wheat starches. 2020. C. Li, D. Zhou, T. Fan, M. Wang, M. Zhu, J. Ding, X. Zhu, W. Guo**, Y.-C. Shi**. Food Chemistry, 318, 126492.

Distribution of octenylsuccinate substituents within a single granule of modified waxy maize starch determined by Raman microspectroscopy. 2019. Z. Sun*, Z. Chen, B. Xu, Y . -C. Shi**. Carbohydrate Polymers, 216, 282-286.

Position of acetyl groups on anhydroglucose unit in acetylated starches with intermediate degrees of substitution. 2019. J. Xu*, Y. C. Shi**. Carbohydrate Polymers, 220, 118-125.

Systems metabolic engineering for citric acid production by Aspergillus niger in the post-genomic era. 2019. Z. Tong*, X. Zheng, Y. Tong, Y.C. Shi, J. Sun**. Microbial Cell Factories, 18:28.

Partial swelling of granules enables high conversion of normal maize starch to glucose catalyzed by granular starch hydrolyzing enzyme . 2019. Z. Tong*, Y. Tong, Y.C. Shi**. Industrial Crops & Products, 140, 111626.

An improved method to determine the hydroxypropyl content in modified starches by 1H NMR. 2019. W. Wang*, Z. Sun*, Y. C. Shi**. Food Chemistry, 295, 556-562.

Structure and functional properties of waxy starches. 2019. C.-F. Hsieh*, W. Liu, J. K. Whaley, Y . -C. Shi**. Food Hydrocolloids, 94, 238-254.

NMR and methylation analysis of hemicellulose purified from corn bran. 2019. J. Kang*, Q. Guo, Y-C Shi**. Food Hydrocolloids, 94, 613-621.

Improved in vitro assay of resistant starch in cross-linked phosphorylated starch. 2019. J. Shi*, Z. Sun*, Y.-C. Shi**. Carbohydrate Polymers, 210, 210-214.

Structure, properties, and potential applications of waxy tapioca starches – A review. 2019. C.-F. Hsieh*, W. Liu, J. K. Whaley, Y . -C. Shi**. Trends in Food Science & Technology, 83, 225-234.

High-solids bioconversion of maize starch to sugars and ethanol. 2019. Z. Li*, D. Wang, Y . -C. Shi**. Starch, 71, 1800 142.

Milling performance of waxy wheat and wild‐type wheat using two laboratory milling methods. 2018. B. Xu*, A. Mense*, K. Ambrose, R. Graybosch, Y. -C. Shi**. Cereal Chemistry, 95, 708-719.

Influence of genotype x location interaction on grain sorghum grain chemistry and digestibility. 2018. R.C. Kaufman, J.D. Wilson, S.R. Bean, A.L. Galant, R.R. Perumal, T. Tesso, T. Herald, Y.-C. Shi. Agronomy Journal, 110, 1681-1688.

Innovative zein extraction from distillers’ grains with solubles: process development and product characterization studies. 2018. J. Gupta, P. V. Vadlani, C.-S. Lau, R. L. Madl, Y .- C. Shi. Environmental Progress & Sustainable Energy.

Settling volume and morphology changes in cross-linked and unmodified starches from wheat, waxy wheat, and waxy maize in relation to their pasting properties. 2018. W. Wang*, L. Guan, P.-A. Seib, Y.-C. Shi**. Carbohydrate Polymers, 196, 18-26.

Intact cellular structure in cereal endosperm limits starch digestion in vitro. 2018. R. R. Bhattarai, S. Dhital, A. Mense, M. J. Gidley, Y.-C. Shi**. Food Hydrocolloids, 81, 139-148.

Structural changes and digestibility of waxy maize starch debranched by different levels of pullulanase. 2018. J. Shi*, M. C. Sweedman, Y.-C. Shi**. Carbohydrate Polymers, 194, 350-356.

Molecular and conformational properties of hemicellulose fiber gum from dried distillers grains with solubles. 2018. J. Kang*, Q. Guo, Y.-C. Shi**. Food Hydrocolloids, 80, 53-59.

Role of amylolytic activities during pregermination on rice kernel morphology and physicochemical properties of isolated starch. 2018. W. Kupkanchanakul, M. Thongngam, Y . -C. Shi, O. Naivikul. Cereal Chemistry, 95, 543-554.

Dissolution of wheat bran by NaOH/urea solutions and structure of soluble materials. 2018. A. L. Mense* and Y.-C. Shi**. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 6, 4264-4271.

Hypoglycemic effects of pyrodextrins with different molecular weights and digestibilities in mice with diet-induced obesity. 2018. Y. Cao, X. Chen, Y. Sun, J. Shi*, X. Xu**, Y.-C. Shi**. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 66, 2988-2995.

Distribution of acetyl groups in acetylated waxy maize starches prepared in aqueous solution with two different alkaline concentrations. 2108. Z.-G. Luo* and Y.-C. Shi**. Food Hydrocolloids, 79, 491-497.

Structure of pyrodextrin in relation to its retrogradation properties . 2018. X. Han*, J. Kang, Y. Bai, M. Xue, Y.-C. Shi**. Food Chemistry, 242, 169-173.

Changes in protein and starch digestibility in sorghum flour during heat-moisture treatment. 2017. T.-H. Vu*, S. Bean, C.-F. Hsieh, Y . -C. Shi**. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 97, 4770-4779.

In vivo digestibility of cross-linked phosphorylated (RS4) wheat starch in ileostomy subjects . 2017. M. Iacovou, J.Lim, C.C.Maningat, A.Bogatyrev, E.Ly, S.Dhital, M.J.Gidley, Y.-C. Shi, J.Muir, P.A. Seib. Bioactive Carbohydrates and Dietary Fibre, 12, 25-36.

In vitro bile acid binding capacity of wheat bran with different particle sizes . 2017. C.-Y. Li*, A. L. Mense, L. R. Brewer, C. Lau, Y . -C. Shi**. Cereal Chemistry, 94, 654-658.

Sorghum starch properties as affected by growing season, hybrid, and kernel maturity. 2017. R. C. Kaufman*, J. D. Wilson, S. R. Bean, F. Xu, Y.-C. Shi. Journal of Cereal Science, 74, 127-135.

Structure and pasting properties of alkaline-treated phosphorylated cross-linked waxy maize starches. 2017. R. Shukri* and Y.-C. Shi**. Food Chemistry, 214, 90-95.

Determination of volatile compounds in heat-treated straight-grade flours from normal and waxy wheats. 2017. J. Xu*, W. Zhang, K. Adhikari, Y.-C. Shi**. Journal of Cereal Science, 74, 77-83.

Chemical structures in pyrodextrin determined by nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. 2016. Y. Bai* and Y.-C. Shi**. Carbohydrate Polymers, 151, 426-433.

Changes in physicochemical properties of rice starch during steeping in the parboiling process. 2016. S. Sittipod* and Y . -C. Shi**. Journal of Cereal Science, 69, 398-405.

Changes of starch during parboiling of rice kernels. 2016. S. Sittipod* and Y . -C. Shi**. Journal of Cereal Science, 69, 238-244.

Effects of glycerol and nanoclay on physiochemical properties of camelina gum-based films. 2016. G. Qi, N. Li, X. S. Sun, Y . -C. Shi, D. Wang. Carbohydrate Polymers, 152, 747-754.

Effects of nitrogen source on ethanol production in very high gravity fermentation of corn starch. 2016. Z. Li*, D. Wang, Y . -C. Shi**. Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers, 1–7.

Development of a 96-well plate iodine binding assay for amylose content determination. 2015. R. C. Kaufman, J. D. Wilson, S. R. Bean, T. J. Herald, Y.-C. Shi. Carbohydrate Polymers, 115, 444-447.

Glycemic Response and Fermentation of Crystalline Short Linear α-Glucans from Debranched Waxy Maize Starch. 2015. L. R. Brewer*, C. Weber, M. Haub, L. Cai*, Y-C Shi**. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 63, 9528−9535.

Effect of ozone treatment on physicochemical properties of waxy rice flour and waxy rice starch. 2015. W. Ding, Y. Wang, W. Zhang, Y.-C. Shi, D. Wang. International Journal of Food Science & Technology, 50, 744-749.

Physiochemical properties of high cross-linked maize starches and their enzymatic digestibilities by three analytical methods . 2015. Shukri, R., Y.C. Shi. Journal of Cereal Science, 63:72-80.

Formation of vitamin E emulsion stabilized by octenylsuccinic starch: factors affecting particle size and oil load. 2015. Qiu, D., L. Yang, Y.C. Shi. Journal of Food Science, 80(4):C680-C686.

Direct in-vitro assay of resistant starch in phosphorylated cross-linked starch. 2015. Shukri, R., L. Zhu, P. Seib, C. Maningat, Y.C. Shi. Bioactive Carbohydrates and Dietary Fibre, 5(1):1-9.

Structure of waxy maize starch hydrolyzed by maltogenic a-amylase in relation to its retrogradation . 2015. Grewal, N., J. Faubion, G. Feng, R. Kaufman, J. Wilson, Y.C. Shi. Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry, 63(16):4196-4201

Factors governing pasting properties of waxy wheat flours. 2015. Garimella Purna, S., Y.C. Shi, L. Guan, J. Wilson, R. Graybosch. Ceral Chemistry, 92(5):529-535.

Effects of granule swelling on starch saccharification by granular starch hydrolyzing enzyme . 2015. Li, Z., L. Cia, Z. Gu, Y.C. Shi. Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry, 62(32):8114-8119.

Structure changes from native waxy maize starch granules to cold-water-soluble pyrodextrin during thermal treatment. 2014. Bai, Yanjie, Liming Cai, James Doutch, Elliot Gilbert, Y.C. Shi. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 62(18):4186-4194.

Preparation, structure, and digestibility of crystalline A- and B-type aggregates from debranched waxy starches. 2014. Cai, Liming, Y.C. Shi. Carbohydrate Polymers, 105:341-350.

Position of modifying groups on starch chains of octenylsuccinic anhydride-modified waxy maize starch. 2014. Bai, Y., Kaufman, R., Wilson, J., Shi, Y.C. Food Chemistry, 153:193-199.

Wheat bran particle size influence on phytochemical extractability and antioxidant properties. 2014. Brewer, L., Kubola, J., Siriamornpun, S., Herald, T., Shi, Y.C. Food Chemistry, 152:483-490.

Effects of heat stress during grain filling on the structure and thermal properties of waxy maize starch. 2014. Lu, D., Shen, X., Cai, X., Yan, F., Lu, W., Shi, Y.C. Food Chemistry, 143:313-318.

X-ray scattering studies of lignocellulosic biomass, A review. 2013. Xu, F., Shi, Y.C., Wang, D. Carbohydrate Polymers, 94:904-917.

Reaction of octenylsuccinic anhydride with a mixture of granular starch and soluble maltodextrin . 2013. Bai, Y., Shi, Y.C. Carbohydrate Polymers, 98:1599-1602.

Towards understanding structural changes of photoperiod-sensitive sorghum during sulfuric acid pretreatment. 2013. Xu, F., Shi, Y.C., Wang, D. Bioresource Technology, 135:704-709.

Self-assembly of short linear chains to A- and B-type starch spherulites and their enzymatic digestibility. 2013. Cai, L., Shi, Y.C. Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry, 61:10787-10797.

Resistant Starch, Sources, Applications and Health. 2013. Editors-Y.C. Shi, C.C. Maningat. IFT Press, Wiley Blackwell.

Preparation of acetylated waxy, normal and high amylose maize starches with intermediate degree of substitution in aqueous solution and their properties. 2012. Luo, Z.; Shi, Y.C. Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry, 60:9468-9475.

Identification of isomers and determination of octenylsuccinate in modified starch by HPLC and mass spectrometry. 2012. Qiu, D.; Bai, Y.; Shi, Y.C. Food Chemistry, 135:665-661.

Enhanced production of glucose and xylose with partial dissolution of corn stover in ionic liquid, 1-ethy-3-methylimidazodium acetate. 2012. Xu, F.; Shi, Y.C.; Wang, D. Bioresource Technology, 114:720-724.

Study of kernel structure of high-amylose and wild-type rice by x-ray microtomography and SEM. 2012. Zhu, L.; Dogan, H.; Gajula, H.; Gu, M.; Liu, Q.; Shi, Y.C. Journal of Cereal Chemistry, 55:1-5.

Ethanol production performance of ozone treated tannin grain sorghum flour. 2012. Yan, S.; Wu, X.; Faubion, J.; Bean, S.; Cai, L.; Shi, Y.C.; Sun, X.S.; Wang, D. 2012. Cereal Chemistry, 89(1):30-37.

Structural features and changes of lignocellulosic biomass during thermochemical pretreatments: A synchrotron x-ray scattering study on photoperiod-sensitive sorghum. 2012. Xu, F.; Shi, Y.C.; Wang, D. Carbohydrate Polymers, 88(4):1149-1156.

Physicochemical properties of high-amylose rice starches during kernel development. 2012. Qin, F.; Man, J.; Cai, L.; Xu, B.; Gu, M.; Zhu, L.; Shi, Y.C.; Wei, C. Carbohydrate Polymers, 88(2):690-698.

Mechanism and enzymatic contribution to in-vitro test method of digestion for maize starches differing in amylose content. 2012. Brewer, L.; Cai, L.; Shi, Y.C. Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry, 60(17):4379-4387.

Study on melting and crystallization of short-chain amylose by in situ synchrotron wide-angle x-ray diffraction. 2012. Cai, L.; Bai, Y.; Shi, Y-C. Journal of Cereal Science, 55(3):p. 373-379.

Structure and preparation of octenyl succinic esters of granular starch, microporous starch and soluble maltodextrin. 2011. Bai, Y.; Shi, Y-C. Carbohydrate Polymers, 83(2): 520-527.

Digestibility and physicochemical properities of rice (Oryza sativa L.) flours and starches differing in amylose content. 2011. Zhu, L-J; Liu, Q-Q; Wilson, J.; Gu, M-H; Shi, Y-C. Carbohydrate Polymers, 86(4):1751-1759.

Volume, texture, and molecular mechanism behind the collapse of bread made with different levels of hard waxy wheat flours. 2011. Garimella Purna, S.K.; Miller, R.; Seib, P.; Graybosch, R.; Shi, Y-C. Journal of Cereal Science, 54(1):37-43.

Sulfuric acid pretreatment and enzymatic hydrolysis of photoperiod sensitive sorghum for ethanol production. 2011. Xu, F.; Shi, Y-C.; Wu, X.; Theerarattananoon, K.; Staggenborg, S.; Wang, D. Bioprocess Biosystem Engineering. 34: 485-492.

Study of octenyl succinic anhydride-modified waxy maize starch by nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. 2011. Bai, Y.; Shi, Y-C.; Herrera, A.; Prakash, O. Carbohydrate Polymers, 83(2): 407-413.

Synchrotron infrared confocal microspectroscopical detection of heterogeneity within chemically modified single starch granules. 2010. Wetzel, D.; Shi, Y.C.; Reffner, J. Applied Spectroscopy. 64(3), 282-285

Confocal Raman and AFM imaging of individual granules of octenyl succinate modified and natural waxy maize starch. 2010. Wetzel, D.; Shi, Y.C.; Schmidt, U. Vibrational Spectroscopy, 53(1): 173-177.

Mechanical and microstructural properties of soy protein-high amylose corn starch extrudates in relation to physiochemical changes of starch during extrusion. 2009. Zhu, L.; Shukri, R.; de Mesa-Stonestreet, N.; Alavi, S.; Dogan, H.; Shi, Y.C. Journal of Food Engineering, 100(2): 232-238.

The effect of cooking on the antibacterial activity of the dialdehyde starch suspensions. 2010. Song, l; Sang, Y.; Cai, L.; Shi, Y.C.; Farrah, S.; Baney, R. Starch, 62:458-466.

Structure and digestibility of crystalline short-chain amylose from debranched waxy wheat, waxy maize, and waxy potato starches. 2010. Cai, L.; Shi, Y.C. Carbohydrate Polymers, 79(4): 1117-1123.

Debranching and crystallization of waxy maize starch in relation to enzyme digestibility. 2010. Cai, L.; Shi, Y.C.; Rong, L.; Hsiao, B. Carbohydrate Polymers, 81(2): 385-393.

Ethanol fermentation performance of grain sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) with modified endosperm matrices. 2010. Wu, X.; Jampala, B.; Robbins, A.; Hays, D.; Yan, S.; Xu, F.; Rooney, W.; Peterson, G.; Shi, Y.C.; Wang, D. Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry, 58:9556-9562.

Underlying reasons for waxy rice flours having different pasting properties. 2010. Zhu, L.; Liu, Q.; Sang, Y.; Gu, M. and Shi, Y.C. Food Chemistry. 120(1): 94-100.

Effects of alkaline treatment on the structure of phosphorylated wheat starch and its digestibility . 2010. Sang, Y.; Seib, P.; Herrea, A.; Prakash, O. and Shi, Y.C. Food Chemistry. 118(2): 323-327.

Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) microspectroscopic census of single starch granules for octenyl succinate ester modification. 2009. Bai, Y.; Shi, Y.C. and Wetzel, D. Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry. 57(14): 6443-6448.

Subzero glass transition of waxy maize starch studied by differential scanning calorimetry. 2009. Sang, Y.; Alavi, S.; Shi, Y.C. Starch, 61(12): 687-695.

Soy protein-fortified expanded extrudates: Baseline study using normal corn starch. 2009. DeMesa, J.; Alavi, S.; Singh, N.; Shi, Y.C.; Dogan, H. and Sang, Y. Journal of Food Engineering. 90(2): 262-270.

Comparison of waxy vs. nonwaxy wheats in fuel ethanol fermentation. 2009. Zhao, R.; Wu, X.; Seabourn, B.; Bean, S.; Guan, L.; Shi, Y.C.; Wilson, J.; Madl, R. and Wang, D. Cereal Chemistry. 86(2): 145-156.

Dough rheology and wet milling of hard waxy wheat flours. 2009. Guan, L.; Seib, P.; Graybosch, R.; Bean, S.; Shi, Y.C. Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry. 57(15): 7030-7038.

Structure and functional properties of sorghum starches differing in amylose content. 2008. Sang, Y.; Bean, S.; Seib, P.; Pedersen, J. and Shi, Y.C. Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry. 56(15): 6680-6685.

Grain sorghum is a viable feedstock for ethanol production.Wang, D.; Bean, S.; McLaren, J.; Seib, P.; Madl, R.; Tuinstra, M.; Shi, Y.C.; Lenz, M.; Wu, X.; Zhao, R. Journal of Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology. 35(5): 313-320.

Two- and multi-step annealing of cereal starches in relation to gelatinization. 2008. Shi, Y.C. Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry. 56(3): 1097-1104.

Phase and state transitions in granular starches studied by dynamic differential scanning calorimetry . 2006. Liu, Y. and Shi, Y.C. Starch. 58(9): 433-442.

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