
Sun, X. Susan University Distinguished Professor

101B BIVAP Bldg.
1980 Kimball Ave.
Manhattan, KS 66506
785-532-7192 fax
Bio Materials & Technology Lab website

Area(s) of Specialization

Dr. Sun’s research interests are in the area of Biopolymers, bioproducts, and biorefining process engineering; Structure and functional properties of biomacromolecules; Biobased adhesives and coatings, Biodegradable plastics; and Hydrogels.

View My Curriculum Vitae (PDF)



B.S. Agricultural Engineering, Northeast Agricultural University, China, 1982
M.S. Agricultural Engineering, Northeast Agricultural University, China, 1986
Ph.D. Agricultural & Biological Engineering, University of Illinois, Urbana, IL, 1993

Bio Brief

Dr. Xiuzhi Susan Sun is a University Distinguished Professor of Kansas State University (KSU). Dr. Sun is the founder of the Biomaterials and Technology Lab at KSU. Dr. Sun’s research interests include biopolymer design, synthesis, and manufacturing for environmental and biomedical applications. She is specialized in protein and lipids structure and functional properties at monomers and polymers levels, and innovative technologies such as peptide hydrogels, biobased adhesives, resins for coatings, and biodegradable plastics and composites. Dr. Sun has published 211 SCI referee articles and holds 16 US and international patents. She has successfully commercialized some of her patented technologies and she is a founder of PepGel LLC. Dr. Sun holds an Adjunct Full Professor position at Wake Forest Institute of Regenerative Medicine at Wake Forest University, and she was ranked as the top 2% World Scientist in polymer by Stanford University World Ranking (2020). Dr. Sun received numerous prestigious recognitions and awards in her field. Dr. Sun is the Fellow of National Academy of Inventors and the Fellow of American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers. Dr. Sun earned her Doctor of Philosophy from the University of Illinois, Urbana, IL.