Carter Wands

Carter WandsProduct Development Technologist at the Manildra Group
Education: Majors Bakery Science and Management, Milling Science and Management
Minors: Leadership Studies and Business Administration

Graduation Year: 2014

Carter Wands serves as the product development technologist at Manildra Group that is located in Sydney, Australia. In this role, Wands develops new food items for production and improves current food items. In this role, Wands conducts research to help him create new products and improve on existing ones. He investigates topics such as chemical composition, flavor, color, texture, nutritional value, convenience and proper nutritional labels. It is important that Wands keeps up to date with these food trends and the governmental legislation surrounding food production in both Australia and the United States.

Due to his research and extensive knowledge, the Manildra Group allows him to choose which new products he develops or which ones he improves. Although the decision of what to dedicate his time to is heavily tied into market trends and consumer feedback. Wands enjoys how each day is different and there is not an average day or week. One day he could be creating a new product while the next he could helping troubleshoot or improve a bakeries’ process.

K-State Experience

As a student, Wands participated in the Bakery Science and Milling Science club. As a member of the Bakery Science Club, Wands went on the annual trip to the American Society of Baking (ASB) Conference in Chicago.

He joined the Alpha Mu Grain Science Honor Society and served as the social chair.

Wand took advantage of internship opportunities as well. He interned at the American Institute for Baking (AIB) in Manhattan, Kansas and conducted flour and dough testing. He also served as a government relations intern at the American Bakers Association (ABA) in Washington D.C., and a milling manager intern for Archer Daniels Midland (ADM) in Buffalo, New York. He feels the Bakery Science I class best prepared him for these opportunities and his career. He says “this class prepared me for the ins and outs of baking. It taught me how to create various bakery products and also understand the science behind it.”

Keep Going

carter wandsAs a past student and now a professional, Wands realizes how important persistence is within the industry.

“Honestly never give up. Don’t be down on yourself if you have a bad test/paper or even semester. Use that for your motivation to improve not only as a student but as a person,” Wands said. “Lastly, if you need help don’t be afraid to go to your professors and fellow classmates.”