Grain Science and Industry News
Current Newsletter
GSI Block Party
The first annual GSI Block Party was held October 2nd outside of Shellenberger! Cookies, popcorn, pet treats, a photobooth courtesy of YourUnforgettable Photo Booths, and fun had by all! Thank you to everyone who made our block party such a blast, and we're so excited to have students interested in our majors, minors, and clubs! |
GSI Golf Tournament
Thank you to all the sponsors and participants of the 2024 Friends & Alumni Golf Tournament!
We had 84 golfers total in the tournament this year and are already looking forward to planning next years event!
KibbleCon 2024
Click link for more information
New Department Head:
Joseph Awika named department head of grain science and industry
Click below for K-State Today article:
K-State breaks ground on Global Center for Grain and Food Innovation
Click below for the whole story:
Click below to learn about the building:
"What attracts students to the feed industry?"
Steven Kilger, the managing editor for Feed & Grain and host of the Feed & Grain Podcast, talks with students Carter Minson and Garrett Freson from Kansas State University's Grain Science program.
Topics include:
- What drew them to study for a career in the feed manufacturing industry
- How is their education going
- The hands-on experiences they've had making feed
- What are their hopes for their future careers in feed
Graduate Student Rania Marie Buenavista wins Best Poster/Paper at the ICFoST Conference
Congratulations Rania! Her poster was selected the best out of 317 posters presented at ICFOST in India. She would like to thank Dr. Subramanyam Bhadriraju, Dr. Mark Casada, and Dr. Xinyi E. This was the 29th ICFoST conference. The conference's mission statement reads, "The Sustainable Development Goal: Ending Hunger and Achieve Food Security and Improved Nutrition underlines the food security and nutritional security as two important complementing elements of our sustainable future." Congrats again to Rania.
Jared Lou Rivera Named the Collegs of Agriculture's December Graduate Student of the Month
The Graduate Student of the Month program aims to recognize the contributions of the many stellar graduate students within the college. Each department will be able to recognize up to 10 students each year. The students selected will receive a personalized letter of congratulations from the Associate Dean and be invited to a luncheon or similar event with the Dean and Associate Dean at the end of the semester. Congrats Jared for being named the December Graduate Student of the Month!
Zhenjiao Du Named the College of Agriculture's November Graduate Student of the Month
The Graduate Student of the Month program aims to recognize the contributions of the many stellar graduate students within the college. Each department will be able to recognize up to 10 students each year. The students selected will receive a personalized letter of congratulations from the Associate Dean and be invited to a luncheon or similar event with the Dean and Associate Dean at the end of the semester. Congrats to Zhenjiao
Click Here to see Zhenjiao's Student Spotlight!
Dr. Chad Paulk earns the American Society of Animal Science’s 2023 Outstanding Young Researcher Award
The award will be celebrated during the 2023 ASAS Midwest Section Annual Meeting in Madison, Wisconsin, March 12-15, 2023.
Milling Science Club products now availbile at the Call Hall USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture, Food and Agricultural Sciences National Needs Graduate Fellow Positions
We are pleased to announce that we have two MS and two Ph.D. Fellow positions sponsored by the USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture, Food and Agricultural Sciences National Needs Graduate and Postgraduate Fellowship (NNF) Grants Program. We are establishing a joint program between the Department of Grain Science and Industry and the Department of Food, Nutrition, Dietetics and Health at Kansas State University to train the Fellows at the interface of cereal science and human nutrition. The joint training program will transcend traditional disciplinary boundaries in grain science and human nutrition and provide multidisciplinary graduate training so that Fellows will become emerging experts in cereal chemistry and nutrition.
The unique training program consists of:
1. A multi-disciplinary academic and research experience
2. Leadership training and development
3. Hands-on participation in conducting research with experienced scientists in teams from several disciplines
4. Summer internship at cereal or food companies
5. Participation in the scholarly publication process
6. Opportunities to present research findings to diverse audiences, write research proposals, and teach courses
7. Providing assistance with excellent job opportunities.
By the completion of this training, Fellows will be well prepared to deal with complex food science, cereal chemistry and nutrition related issues, and take leadership roles in research and policy at public and private institutions. The Fellow positions are available immediately.
To apply for the National Needs Fellowship, applicants must:
1. Be citizens or nationals of the United States of America as determined in accordance with Federal law.
2. Not have completed more than one semester or equivalent hours of full-time study in the same academic program at the same degree level.
If you are interested in the USDA Fellowship Position, you must first let Dr. Yong-Cheng Shi know, as well as stating that you are applying for the fellowship in the assistantship section of their graduate program applications.