
Peer-reviewed Publications

· Hu Zhang, Shannon Eaker, Lexan Lhu, Behzad Mahdavi, Sita Somara, Xiuzhi Susan Sun, 2020, SCTM-20-0236 Bioreactor Technology for Cell Manufacture, STEM CELLS Translational Medicine.*

· Tiffany Carter, Guangyan Qi, Weiqun Wang, Annelise Nguyen, Nikki Cheng, Young Min Ju, Sang Jin Lee, James Yoo, Anthony Atala, and Xiuzhi Susan Sun, 2020, Self-Assembling Peptide Solution Accelerates Hemostasis, Journal of Advances in Wound Care, (accepted ) PMID: 32716728, DOI: 10.1089/wound.2019.1109

· Jingwen Xu, Guangyan Qi, Chunxia Sui, Weiqun Wang, Xiuzhi Sun, 2019, 3D h9e peptide hydrogel: An advanced three-dimensional cell culture system for anticancer prescreening of chemopreventive phenolic agents. Toxicology in Vitro, 61(2019)104599.

· Liu, J. M. Wu, M. Wang, Y. Zou, Z. Tan, D. Wang, XS. Sun. Predicting the content of camelina protein using FT-IR spectroscopy coupled with SVM model. Cluster Computing (2019) 22:S8401–S8406 (

· Yonghui Li, Cong Li, Xiuzhi Susan Sun. 2019. Fundamental Insights into the Curing Mechanisms of Epoxidized Fatty Acid Methyl Esters and Triglycerides. AOCS DOI 10.1002/aocs.12260.

· Shiwei Xu, Yanting Shen, Jingwen Xu, Guangyan Qi, Gengjun Chen, Weiqun Wang, Xiuzhi Sun, Yonghui Li, 2019, Antioxidant and anticancer effects in human hepatocarcinoma (HepG2) cells of papain-hydrolyzed sorghum kafirin hydrolysates, Journal of Functional Food, 58: 374-382.

· Jingwen Xu, Xiaoyu Su, Yonghui Li, Xiuzhi Susan Sun, Donghai Wang, and Weiqun Wang, 2019, Response of Bioactive Phytochemicals in Vegetables and Fruits to Environmental Factors, Europen Journal of Nutrition and Food Safety, 9(3): 233-247, 2019; Article no.EJNFS.2019.035, ISSN: 2347-5641.

· Longkun Li, Guihuan Liu, X. Susan Sun,Peter Timashev, Tracy Criswell, Anthony Atala, Yuanyuan Zhang, 2019, Biofabrication of Tissue-Specific Extracellular Matrix Proteins to Enhance the Expansion and Differentiation of Skeletal Muscle Progenitor Cells, Applied Physics Reviews, 6, 021309 (2019);

· Jonggeun Sung and Xiuzhi Susan Sun, 2018, Cardanol modified fatty acids from camelina oils for flexible bio-based acrylates coatings, Progress in Organic Coatings, 123: 242-253.

· Haijing Liu, Scott Bean, Xiuzhi Susan Sun, 2018, Camelina protein adhesives enhanced by polyelectrolyte interaction for plywood applications, Industrial Crops and Products, 124: 343-352.

· Yonghui Li, Donghai Wang, Xiuzhi Susan Sun, 2018, Epoxidized and acrylated camelina oils for UV curable wood coatings. AOCS

· Xiwen Cao, Ningbo Li, Guangyan Qi, Xiuzhi Susan Sun, Donghai Wang, 2018, Effect of spray drying on the properties of camelina gum isolated from camelina seeds. Industrial Crops and Products, 117: 278-285.

· Cong, Li, Jiwen Liu, Yizhou Chen, Tao Li, Xiaoxia Cai, Jonggeun Sung, and Xiuzhi Susan Sun, 2018, Hybrid Network via Instantaneous Photoradiation: High Efficient Design of 100% Bio-Based Thermosets with Remoldable and Recyclable Capabilities after UV Curing, Chemical Engineering Journal, 336 (2018) 54-63.

· Emery Brown, Seok-Hwan Park, Ayyappan Elangovan, Yue Yuan, Jooyoun Kim, Xiuzhi Susan Sun, Xiaoming Zhang, Guohong Wang, and Jun Li, 2018, Facilitating High-Capacity V2O5 Cathodes with Stable Two and Three Li+ Insertion Using a Hybrid Membrane Structure Consisting of Amorphous V2O5 Shells Coaxially Deposited on Electrospun Carbon Nanofibers, Electrochimica Acta 269 (2018): 144-154.

· Jun Liang, Gang Liu1, Jing Wang, and Xiuzhi Susan Sun, 2017, Controlled release of BSA‑linked cisplatin through a PepGel self‑assembling peptide nanofber hydrogel scaffold, Amino Acids, DOI 10.1007/s00726-017-2444-z.

· X. Zhu, D. Wang, N. Li, X. S. Sun, 2017. A Bio-Based Wood Adhesive from Camelina Protein (a Biodiesel Residue) and De-Polymerized Lignin with Improved Water Resistance, ACS Omega, DOI: 10.1021/acsomega.7b01093. 2 (11): 7996-8004

· C. Li, X.Cai,J. Sung,H. Wang, S. H. Bossmann, and X. S. Sun, 2017, Fatty acid chain combined with cycloaliphatic rings via Amberlyst-15: a promising structure for a high bio-content epoxy design, Journal of Polymer Science Part A: Polymer Chemistry, 55:794-800.

· Jun Liang, X. Susan Sun, Zhilong Yang, Shuai Cao, 2017, Anticancer Drug Camptothecin Test in 3D Hydrogel Networks with HeLa cells, Scientific Report 7: 37626.

· Ke Zhang, Zhenglin Tan, Chengci Chen, Xiuzhi Susan Sun, and Donghai Wang, 2017, Rapid Prediction of Camelina Seed Oil Content Using Near-Infrared Spectroscopy, Energy&Fuels, 31: 5629−5634.

· Yonghui Li, Shih-Hsiung Chou, Wenting Qian, Jonggeun Sung, Shing I Chang, Xiuzhi Susan Sun. 2017. Optimization of soybean oil based pressure-sensitive adhesives using a full factorial design. Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society, 94, 713-721.

· Xiangwei Zhu, Donghai Wang, Xiuzhi Susan Sun. 2017. Carbodiimide stabilizes the ultrasound-pretreated camelina protein structure with improved water resistance. Industrial Crops and Product.97(2017) 196-200.

· Gaind P. Pandey, Tao Liu, Cody Hancock, Yonghui Li, Xiuzhi Susan Sun, Jun Li, 2016, Thermostable gel polymer electrolyte based on succinonitrile and ionic liquid for high-performance solid-state supercapacitors, Journal of Power Sources, 328 (2016): 510-519.

· Gaind P. Pandey, Tao Liu, Emery Brown, Yiqun Yang, Yonghui Li, Xiuzhi Susan Sun, Yueping Fang, and Jun Li, 2016, Mesoporous Composite of Reduced Graphene Oxide-Vanadium Oxide for Lithium-ion Batteries and Electrochemical Capacitors with Enhanced Electrochemical Performance, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2016, 8 (14): 9200–9210

· H. Liu, X.S. Sun, C. Li. 2016. Blend soy protein adhesives with soy-oil-based waterborne polyurethane to improve wet strength on wood. J of Adhesion and Adhesives,

· Li, Cong,Yonghui Li, Xiaoxia Cai, Hongwang Wang, Stefan H Bossmann,Jonggeun Sung, and Xiuzhi Susan Sun, 2016, Competitive Nucleophilic Attack Chemistry Based on Undecenoic Acid: A new Chemical Route for Plant Oil-based Epoxies. ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering, 4: 5718-5729, DOI:10.1021/acssuschemeng.6b01656

· Li, Cong, T. Li, X. Cai, X. S. Sun. 2016. Substantially Reinforcing Plant Oil-Based Materials via Cycloaliphatic Epoxy with Double Bond-Bridged Structure, Polymer, 107: 19-28.

· G. Qi, N. Li, X. S. Sun, Y. Shi , D. Wang, 2016, Effects of glycerol and nanoclay on physiochemical properties of camelina gum-based films, Carbohydrate Polymers, 152: 747-754

· G. Qi, N. Li, D. Wang, and X.S. Sun. 2016. Adhesive performance of camelina protein affected by extraction conditions. Transaction of the ASABE, 59(3): 1083-1090. (doi: 10.13031/trans.59.11686).

· G. Qi, N. Li, D. Wang, X.S. Sun. 2016. Development of high performance soy protein adhesives using sodium montmorillonite clay modified soy protein. JAOCS 93(11): 1519-1528

· N. Li, G. Qi, X.S. Sun, D. Wang. 2016. Characterization of gums isolated from camelina seeds. Industrial Crops and Products, 83: 268-274.

· X. Zhu, D. Wang, and X.S. Sun. 2016. Physic-chemical properties of camelina protein altered by sodium bisulfite and guanidine-HCl. Industrial Crops and Products 83(2016):453-461.

· Li, Cong, J. Sung,X.S. Sun. 2016. Network from Dihydrocoumarin via Solvent-Free Metal-Mediated Pathway: A Potential Structure for Substantial Toughness Improvement of Epoxidized Plant Oil Materials. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 2016, 4: 1231-1239

· Min Jung Kim, Xiuzhi Susan Sun. 2015, Correlation between physical properties and shear adhesion strength of enzymatically modified soy protein-based adhesives. JAOCS, 19: 1-12.

· Y. Li, Donghai Wang, Xiuzhi Susan Sun. 2015. Copolymers from epoxidized soybean oil and lactic acid oligomers for pressure-sensitive adhesives. Royal Society of Chemistry, RCS Advances, 5. 27256-27265.

· G.P. Pandey, S.A. Klankowski, Y. Li, X.S. Sun, J. Wu, R.A. Rojeski, and J. Li. 2015. Effective Infiltration of Gel Polymer Electrolyte into Silicon-Coated Vertically Aligned Carbon Nanofibers as Anodes for Solid-State Lithium-ion Batteries. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 7, 20909-20918.

· Y. Li, X.S. Sun. 2015. Camelina oil derivatives and adhesion properties. Industrial Crops and Products, 73, 73-80.

· Y. Li, X.S. Sun. 2015. Synthesis and characterization of acrylic polyols and polymers from soybean oils for pressure-sensitive adhesives. RSC Advances, 5, 44009-44017.

· H. Liu, C. Li, X.S. Sun. 2015. Improved Water Resistance in Undecylenic Acid (UA)-Modified Soy Protein Isolate (SPI)-Based Adhesives. Industrial Crops and Products, 74:577-584

· Y. Li, X.S. Sun. 2015. Polyols from epoxidized soybean oil and alpha hydroxy acids and adhesion properties from UV polymerization. International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives, 63, 1-8.

· D. Kumar, C. Kandl, C. Hamilton, Y. Shnayder, T. T. Tsue, K. Kakarala, L. Ledgerwood, X. S. Sun, H. H. Huang, D. Girod, S. M. Thomas. 2015, Mitigation of Tumor-Associated Fibroblast-Facilitated Head and Neck Cancer Progression With Anti–Hepatocyte Growth Factor Antibody Ficlatuzumab, J of American Medical Association (JAMA)-Otolaryngology, 141 (12): 1133-1139, Doi:10.1001/jamaoto.2015.2381

· Namhoon Kim, Yonghui Li, Xiuzhi Susan Sun. 2015. Epoxidation of Camelina sativa oil and peel adhesion properties. Industrial Crops and Products, 64, 1-8. Cited 26 by 2018

· N. Li, G. Qi, X.S. Sun, and D. Wang. 2015. Adhesion property of camelina protein fractions isolated with different sequences. Industrial Crops and Products, 69, 263-272.

· Hongzhou Huang, Debabani Ganguly, Jianhan Chen, and Xiuzhi S. Sun, 2015, Conformational Flexibility and pH Effects in Anisotropic Growth of Sheet-like Assembly by Amphiphilic Peptides, J of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 15: 4470-4479.

· Jonggeun Sung, Yonghui Li, Xiuzhi Susan Sun. 2015. Plasticization effects of dihydroxyl soybean oil improve flexibilities of epoxy-based films for coating applications. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, Vol 132(6) : 41773.

· Min Jung Kim, Xiuzhi Susan Sun. 2014. Adhesion properties of soy protein crosslinked with organic calcium silicate hydrate hybrids, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 131(17). 40693, doi: 10.1002/app.40693 .

· Ningbo Li, Guangyan Qi, Xiuzhi Susan Sun, Donghai Wang, Scott R Bean, Deidre Blackwell. 2014. Isolation and characterization of protein fractions isolated from camelina meal. Transactions of the ASABE, 57, 1, 169-178.

· Yonghui Li, Caihong Chen, Jun Li, Xiuzhi Susan Sun. 2014. Photoactivity of poly(lactic acid) nanocomposites modulated by TiO2 nanofillers. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 131, 40241, doi: 10.1002/app.40241.

· Yonghui Li, Donghai Wang, Xiuzhi Susan Sun. 2014. Oxirane cleavage kinetics of epoxidized soybean oil by water and UV‑polymerized resin adhesion properties. J Am Oil Chem Soc, 92(1): 121-131.

· Yonghui Li, Xiuzhi Susan Sun. 2014. Di-hydroxylated soybean oil polyols with varied hydroxyl values and their influence on UV-curable pressure-sensitive adhesives. J Am Oil Chem Soc, 91(8): 1425-1432.

· L. Peña, K. L. Hohnb, J. Li, X.S. Sun and D. Wang. 2014. Effect of synthesis conditions on surface and catalytic properties of propyl-sulfonic acid-functionalized nanoparticles. J. Biomaterials and Nanobiotechnology 5(4): 241-253.

· Y. H. Li, C. Chen, J. Li, X. S. Sun, 2013, Photoactivity of Poly(lactic acid) nanocomposites modulated by TiO2 nanofillers, J of Applied Polymer Science, DOI: 10.1002/app.40241

· Li, X., Galliher-Beckley, A.J., Nietfeld, J.C., Huang, H., Sun, X., Faaberg, K.S., and Shi, J. 2013, Peptide nanofiber hydrogel adjuvanted live virus vaccine induces cross-protective immunity to porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus, Vaccine 31 (2013), pp. 4508-4515

· Zhigang Xiao, Yonghui Li, Xiaorong Wu, Guangyan Qi, Ningbo Li, Ke Zhang, Donghai Wang, and Xiuzhi Susan Sun, 2013, Utilization of Sorghum Lignin to Improve Adhesion Strength of Soy Protein Adhesives on Wood Veneer, Industrial Crops and Products, 50:501-509

· Guangyan Qi, Ningbo Li, Donghai Wang, Xiuzhi Susan Sun, 2013, Adhesion and physicochemical properties of soy protein modified by sodium bisulfite, J. American Oil Chemistry, 90(12): 1917-1926

· Guangyan Qi, Ningbo Li, Donghai Wang, Xiuzhi Susan Sun, 2013, Physicochemical properties of soy protein adhesives modified by 2-octen-1-ylsuccinic anhydride, Industrial Crops and Products, 46. 165-172

· Ahn, B. Kollbe, Jonggeun Sung, Nassim Rahmani, George Wang, Namhoon Kim, Kevin Lease, and Xiuzhi Susan Sun, 2013, UV-curable, high-shear pressure-sensitive adhesives derived from acrylated epoxidized soybean oil. J. Adhesion, 89: 1-16.

· Huang H, Ding Y, Sun XS, Nguyen TA, 2013, Peptide Hydrogelation and Cell Encapsulation for 3D Culture of MCF-7 Breast Cancer Cells. PLoS ONE 8(3): e59482. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0059482

· Xin Li, Donghai Wang, Jo A. Ratto, Xiuzhi Susan Sun, 2013, Production of High Strength, Thin-layered, Pulp Fiberboard Using Soy Protein Adhesives, J of Adhesion Science and Technology, 27(18-19):2065-2074.

· Mo, Xiaoqun, and X. Susan Sun, 2013, Soy protein plywood adhesives: formulation and characterization, J of Adhesion Science and Technology, 27(18-19):2014-2026.

· Ahn, B. Kollbe, Jonggeun Sung, Namhoon Kim, Stefan Kraft, and Xiuzhi Susan Sun, 2013, UV-curable pressure-sensitive adhesives derived from functionalized soybean oils and rosin ester, Polymer International, 62(9): 1293-1301, online DOI: 10.1002/pi.4420.

· Ahn, B. Kollbe, Jonggeun Sung, Yonghui Li, Namhoon Kim, Nihar Mohanty, Myles Ikenberry, Phong Nguyen, Keith Hohn, Vikas Berry, and Xiuzhi Susan Sun, 2012, Synthesis and characterization of amphiphilic reduced graphene oxide with epoxidized methyl oleate, Advanced Materials, 24:2123-2129.

· Huang, Hongzhou, Alvaro I. Herrera, Zhiping Luo, Om Prakash, Xiuzhi S. Sun, 2012, Structural transformation and physical properties of a hydrogel forming peptide studied by NMR and TEM, Biophysical Journal, 103: 979-988.

· Ahn, Byung-Jun; Kraft, Stefan; Sun, Xiuzhi, 2012, Solvent-free acid-catalyzed ring opening of epoxidized oleochemicals using stearates/stearic acid, and its applications, J Agriculture and Food Chemistry 60:2179-2189

· Yan, S., X. Wu, J. Faubion, S. Bean, L. Cai, Y-C. Shi, X.S. Sun, and D. Wang. 2012. Ethanol production performance of ozone treated tannin grain sorghum flour. Cereal Chem. 89 (1):30-37.

· Li, Yonghui, Xiuzhi Susan Sun, 2011, Nanocomposites of poly(lactic acid) and surface grafted MgO nanoparticles: preparation and characterization, J. Biobased Materials and Bioenergy, 5:452-459.

· Sun, Xiuzhi Susan, 2011, Soy Protein Polymers and Adhesion Properties, J Biobased Materials and Bioenergy, 5: 1-24

· Wu, X., J. Markham, X.S. Sun, and D. Wang. 2012, Optimization of catalytic fast pyrolysis of biomass for hydrocarbon yield. Transaction of the ASABE, 55(5):1879-1885.

· N. Li, G. Qi, X.S. Sun, and D. Wang. 2012. Effects of sodium bisulfite on the physicochemical and adhesion properties of canola protein fractions. J. Polymers and Environment, (2012) 20:905-915.

· Qi, G., N. Li, D. Wang, and X.S. Sun. 2012. Physicochemical properties of soy protein adhesives obtained by in situ sodium bisulfate modification during acid precipitation. AOCS Oil Chemistry 89 (2):301-312.

· Li, N., G. Qi ,X. S. Sun,M. J. Stamm,D. Wang, 2012, Physicochemical properties and adhesion performance of canola protein modified with sodium bisulfite, Journal of American Oil Chemists’ Society, 89: 897-908

· Li, Yonghui, Caihong Chen, Jun Li, Xiuzhi Susan Sun, 2012, Isothermal Crystallization and Melting Behaviors of Bionanocomposites from Poly(lactic acid) and TiO2 Nanowires, J of Applied Polymer Science, 124:2968-2977,

· Ahn, B. Kollbe, Hongwang Wang, Shona Robinson, Tej B. Shrestha, Deryl L. Troyer, Stefan Bossmann, Xiuzhi Susan Sun, 2012, Ring opening of epoxidized methyl oleate using novel acid functionalized iron nanoparticle catalyst, Green Chemistry, 14: 136-142.

· Ahn, B. Kollbe, Jonggeun Sung, Xiuzhi Susan Sun, 2012, Phosphate esters functionalized dihydroxyl soybean oil fackifier of pressure-sensitive adhesives, J of American Oil Chemistry, 89:909-915

· Pena, L, M. Ikenberry, B. Ware, K. L. Hohn, D. Boyle, X. S. Sun and D. Wang, 2011, Cellobiose hydrolysis using acid-functionalized nanoparticles, Biotechnology and Bioprocess Engineering, 16(6), 1214-1222

· B. K. Ahn; S. Kraft; D. Wang; X. S. Sun. Green synthesis and characterization of pressure sensitive adhesivesfrom functionalized soybean oils. Polymer Preprint. 2011, 52.1, 76-77

· Huang, Hongzhou, Jishu Shi, Juilia Laskin, Ziyan Liu, David S. McVey, and Xiuzhi Susan Sun, 2011, Design of a shear-thinning recoverable peptide hydrogel from native sequences and application for influenza H1N1 vaccine adjuvant, Soft Matter 7 (19), 8905 – 8912

· Qi, Guangyan, Karthik Venkateshan, Xiaoqun Mo, Lu Zhang, and Xiuzhi Susan Sun, 2011, Physicochemical properties of soy protein: effects of subunit composition, J Agr & Food Chem, 59,9958-9964

· N. Li, Y. Wang, M. Tilley, SR. Bean, X, Wu, X. S. Sun, and D. Wang. 2011. Adhesive Performance of Sorghum Protein Extracted from Sorghum DDGS and Flour. J. Polymers and the Environment 19 (3) 755-765

· Byung-Jun Kollbe Ahn, Stefan Kraft and Xiuzhi Susan Sun, 2011, Chemical Pathways of Epoxidized and Hydroxylated Fatty Acid Methyl Esters and Triglycerides with Phosphoric Acid, J of Materials Chemistry, 21, 9498-9505

· Byung-Jun Kollbe Ahn, Stenphen, Donghai Wang, Xiuzhi Susan Sun, 2011, Thermally Stable Transparent Pressure Sensitive Adhesives from Epoxidized and Dihydroxyl Soybean Oil, Biomacromolecules, 12, 1839-1843

· Yonghui Li, Caihong Chen, Jun Li, Xiuzhi Susan Sun, 2011, Synthesis and Characterization of Bionanocomposites of Ploy(lactic Acid) and TiO2 Nanowires by in situ Polymerization, Polymer 52, 2367-2375

· Guoping Yu, H. Liu, K. Venkateshan, S. Yan, J. Cheng, X. S. Sun, and D. Wang, 2011. Functional, physiochemical, and rheological properties of duckweed (Spirodela polyrhiza) protein. Transactions of the ASABE, 54(2): 555-561

· Mo, Xiaoqun, Donghai Wang, and Xiuahi Susan Sun, 2011, Physico-chemical properties of b, and a¢a subunits isolated from soybean b-conglycinin. J of Agriculture and Food Chemistry 59, 1217-1222.

· Qi, Guangyan and Xiuzhi Susan Sun, 2011, Soy Protein Adhesive Blends with Synthetic Latex on Wood Veneer, J American Oils Chemistry, 88 (2), 271- 281

· Li, Yonghui, Xiuzhi Susan Sun, 2011. Mechanical and thermal properties of biocomposites from poly(lactic acid) and DDGS Blends, J. of Applied Polymer Science, 121: 589-597

· Shera, Jeanne, Daisuke Takahashi, Alvaro I. Herrera, Om Prakash, and Xiuzhi Susan Sun, 2010, Morphology and structural properties of pH-responsive amphiphilic peptides, JNN 10, 7981-7987

· Huang, Hongzhou and Xiuzhi S. Sun. 2010, Rational design of responsive self-assembling peptides from native protein sequences, Biomacromolecules, 2010, 11,3390-3394.

· Li, Yonghui, Karthik venkateshan, Xiuzhi Susan Sun, 2010, Mechanical and Thermal Properties, Morphology, and Relaxation Characteristics of Poly (lactic acid) and Soy Flour/Wood Flour Blends, Polymer International, 59(8), 1099-1109.

· Li, Yonghui, Xiuzhi Susan Sun, 2010, Preparation and Characterization of Polymer-Inorganic Nanocomposites by in situ Melt Polycondensation of L-lactic acid and Surface-Hydroxylated MgO, Biomacromolecules, 11(7), 1847-1855.

· Qi, G. Y. and X. S. Sun, 2010, Peel Adhesion Properties of Modified Soy Protein Adhesive on Glass Panel. Journal of Industrial Crops and Products 32, (3), 208-212.

· Zhang, Lu, Xiuzhi Susan Sun, 2010, Sodium bisulfite-induced changes in physicochemical, surface and adhesive properties of soy β-conglycinin, J of AOCS, 87, (5), 583-590,

· Shera, Jeanne, and Xiuzhi Susan Sun, 2009, Effect of Peptide Sequence on Surface Properties and Self-Assembly of an Amphiphilic pH-Responsive Peptide, Biomacromolecules, 10(8): 2201-2206

· Beaver, Erin, Ken Klabunde, Biaobing Wang, Xiuzhi Susan Sun, 2009. Lactic Acid-Magnesium Oxide Nanocomposites: How Nanoparticle Size and Shape Affect Initial Polymerization and the Resulting Properties of the Prepolymer, New Journal of Chemistry, 33:1951-1959

· Wang, Ying, Michael Tilley, Scott Bean, X. Susan Sun, and Donghai Wang, 2009, Comparison of Methods for Extracting Sorghum Proteins from Distillers Dried Grains with Solubles", Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 57:8366-8372.

· Kun, Fang, Biaobing Wang, Kuichuan Sheng, Xiuzhi Susan Sun, 2009, Properties and Morphology of Poly(lactic acid) / Soy Protein Isolate Blends, J of Applied Polymer Science 114(2), 754-759.

· Wang, Donghai, X. Susan Sun, G. Yang, Y. Wang, 2009, Improved Water Resistance of Soy Protein Adhesive at Isoelectric Point, The Transactions of the ASABE (American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers), Vol. 52(1), 173-177.

· Venkateshan, Karthikand Xiuzhi Susan Sun, 2009, Thermodynamic and microscopy studies of urea-soy protein composites, Polymer Preprints, 50(2): 71-72.

· Biaobing Wang, Xiuzhi Susan Sun,and Kenneth Klabunde, 2009. Poly(lactic acid)/multi-hydroxyl magnesium oxide nanocomposites prepared by melt compounding, J. Biobased Materials and Bioenergy, 3: 130-138.

· Li, Xin, Yonghui Li, Zhikai Zhong, Donghai Wang,Jo A. Ratto,Kuichuan Sheng, Xiuzhi Susan Sun, 2009, Mechanical and water soaking properties of medium density fiberboard with wood fiber and soybean protein adhesive, Bioresource Technology, Vol. 100: 3556-3562.

· Zhao, H., J. Zhang, X. S. Sun,and D. H. Hua. 2008. Syntheses and properties of cross-linked polymers from functionalized triglycerides. J. Applied Polymer Science 110: 647-656.

· Sun, X. S., D. Wang, L. Zhang, X. Mo, L. Zhu, and D. Boyle. 2008. Morphology and phase separation of hydrophobic clusters of soy globular protein polymers. Macromolecular Bioscience 2008 (8): 295-303.

· Acioli-Moura, R., and X. S. Sun. 2008. Thermal degradation and physical aging of poly(lactic acid) and its blends with starch. Polymer Engineering and Science DOI 10.1002.pen.21019, 829-836.

· D.Y. Corredor, X. S. Sun, J.M. Salazar, K.L. Hohn, and D. Wang. 2008. Enzymatic hydrolysis of soybean hulls using dilute acid and modified steam-explosion pretreatments. J. Biobased Materials and Bioenergy 2 (1): 43-50.

· Mo, X., Y. Hiromasa, A. Al-Rawi, M. Warner, T. Iwamoto, T. Rahman, X. S. Sun, and J. M. Tomich. 2008, Design of bio-based 11- residue adhesive peptides with different properties: Induced secondary structure in the absence of water. Biophysical J. 94: 1807-1817.

· Zhang, L., and X. S. Sun. 2008. Effects of sodium bisulfite on soybean glycinin. J. Agriculture and Food Chemistry 56(23):11192-11197.

· Li, J., P. Chinachoti, D. Wang, L. M. Hallberg, and X. S. Sun, 2008, Thermal properties of ration components as affected by moisture content and water activity during freezing. J. Food ScienceNov;73(9):E425-30.

· Zhang, J., and X. S. Sun. 2007. Biodegradable foams of poly(lactic acid)/starch: I Extrusion Condition and Cellular Size Distribution. J. Applied Polymer Science 106: 857-862.

· Zhang, J., and X. S. Sun. 2007. Biodegradable foams of poly(lactic acid)/starch: II Cellular Structure and Water Resistance. J. Applied Polymer Science 106: 3058-3062.

· Zhu, L., and X. S. Sun. 2007. Adhesion performance of amino groups (e-NH2) of soybean glycinin proteins. J. Biobased Materials and Bioenergy 1 (1): 64-70.

· Kang, E. C., S. Park, X. S. Sun, B. Park, and H. Park. 2007. Curing behavior of urea-formaldehyde resin modified from cooking waste oil-based pMDIprepolymer and its influence on particleboard properties. Forest Products Journal 57(6): 51-58.

· Sun, X. S., R. Acioli-Moura, and W. Li. 2007.


The attempt of replacing the conventional petroleum plastics by biodegradable and renewable materials for disposable applications has increased continuously nowadays [1,2]. Polylactic acid (PLA), which is a synthetic biopolymer derived from agricultural feedstock, has demonstrated potential ability for replacing petroleum-based plastics due to its mechanical properties [3]. However, its high cost of production, which involves complicated processing procedures, is a limiting factor.

Starch has been incorporated into PLA as filler, which may reduce production cost. However, its use decreases significantly the mechanical properties of the blend.

In order to solve this impasse, methylenediphenyl diisocyanate (MDI) has been incorporated to the starch/PLA blend as binder. Previous research [4] showed that small amounts of MDI (0.05% wt) improve significantly the mechanical properties in starch/PLA (45/55 wt) blends.

Physical aging is a natural phenomenon in amorphous phase in glassy or partially glassy polymers, occurring around its glass transition temperature (Tg) and affecting the thermodynamic state of the material. The process of physical aging occurs at temperatures close or slightly below to Tg, when the free volume reduces spontaneously toward an equilibrium thermodynamic state, reducing the enthalpy. This phenomenon is time dependent [5].

The physical aging process is usually explained by the concept of free volume, which controls the molecular mobility of large portions of polymer chains and affects the physical and mechanical properties of the polymers [6].

In this study, the effect of physical aging on thermal and mechanical properties of PLA, Starch/PLA, and Starch/PLA/MDI were observed.

Starch types on mechanical properties of poly(lactic acid)/starch composites. International Polymer Processing XXII (5): 410-417.

· Wang, Y., X. S. Sun, and D. Wang. 2007. Effects of preheating treatment on thermal property and adhesion performance of soy protein isolates. J. Adhesion Science and Technology 21(15): 1469-1481.

· Wang, Y., D. Wang, and X. S. Sun. 2007. Soy protein adhesion enhanced by glutaraldehyde crosslink. J. Applied Polymer Science104(1):130-136.

· Zhong, Z., and X. S. Sun. 2007. Plywood adhesives by blending soy protein polymer with phenol-formaldehyde resin. J. Biobased Materials and Bioenergy 1: 380-387.

· Shen, X., R. Moore, X. Mo, S. J. Frazier, T. Iwamoto, J. M. Tomich,and X. S. Sun. 2006. Adhesion and structure properties of protein nanomaterials containing hydrophobic-charged amino acids. J. Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 6: 837-844.

· Zhong, Z., X. S. Sun, and D. Wang. 2006. Isoelectric pH of polyamide-epichlorohydrin modified soy protein improved water resistance and adhesive strength. J. Applied Polymer Science 103(4): 2261-2270.

· Cheng, E.Z., and X. S. Sun. 2006. Effects of wood surface roughness, adhesive viscosity, and processing pressure on adhesion strength of protein adhesives. J. Adhesion Science and Technology 20(9): 997-1017.

· Mo, X., Z. Zhong, D. Wang, and X. S. Sun. 2006. Soybean glycinin subunits: Characterization of physico-chemical and adhesion properties. J. Agriculture and Food Chemistry 54(20): 7589-7593.

· Wang, Y., X. S. Sun, and D. Wang. 2006. Performance of soy protein adhesives enhanced by esterification. Transactions of the ASABE 49(3): 713-719.

· Stoll, M. E., W. T. Schapaugh, Jr., M. S. Zutara, J. Hu, and X. S. Sun. 2006. Genotype and environment effects on adhesive shear strength in soybean-based adhesives. Crop Science 46: 2008-2012.

· Zhan, X., D. Wang, S. R. Bean, X. S. Sun and D. Boyle. 2006. Ethanol production from supercritical extrusion-cooked grain sorghum. Industrial Crops and Products 23(3):304-310

· Zhong, Z., and X. S. Sun, S. Hagan, and S. Gehrke. 2005. Soy protein isolate/polycaprolactone fractions and water absorption mechanisms. Transaction of the ASAE 48(3): 1281-1286.

· Zhong, Z., and X. S. Sun. 2005. Thermal characterization and phase behavior of cornstarch studied by differential scanning calorimetry. J. Food Engineering 69(4): 453-459.

· Wang, Y., D. Wang and X. S. Sun. 2005. thermal properties and adhesiveness of soy protein modified with cationic detergent. J. American Oil Chemist Society 82(5): 357-363

· Cheng, E., X. S. Sun, and G. Karr, 2004. Adhesive properties of modified soybean flour in wheat straw particleboard, Composite Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing 35 (2004): 297-302.

· Zhang, J., and X. S. Sun. 2004. Mechanical properties and crystallization behavior of poly(lactic acid) blend with dendritic hyperbranched polymer. Polymers International, 53: 716-722.

· Mo, X., and X. S. Sun, and D. Wang. 2004. Thermal properties and adhesion strength of modified soybean storage protein. J. American Oil Chemist Society. 81(4): 395-400.

· Zhang, J., and X. S. Sun. 2004. Mechanical properties of poly(lactic acid)/starch composites compatibilized by maleic anhydride. Biomacromolecules. 5: 1446-1451.

· Zhang, J., and X. S. Sun. 2004. Mechanical and thermal properties of poly(lactic acid)/starch blends with dioctyl maleate. J. Applied Polymer Science 94(4): 1697-1704.

· Blanche, S., and X. S. Sun. 2004. Physical characterization of starch extrudates as a function of melting transitions and extrusion conditions. Advances in Polymer Technology. 23(4): 277-290.

· Zhang, J., and X. S. Sun, 2004. Physical characterization of coupled poly(lactic acitd)/starch/maleic anhy.ride blends plasticized by triethyl citrate. Macromolecular Bioscience 4: 1053-1060.

· Peng, Y., X. S. Sun, L. Carson, and C. Setser. 2004. Intensity profiles of masseter muscle motion and their relations to texture attributes in mastication of cookies and crackers. Transactions of the ASAE 47 (2): 497-503.

· Xie, F., F. Dowell, and X. S. Sun. 2003. Using visible and near-infrared reflectance spectroscopy and differential scanning calorimetry to study starch, protein, and temperature effects on bread staling. Cereal Chem. 81(2): 249-254.

· Pan, H., and X. S. Sun, 2003. Effects of moisture contents and extrusion parameters on tensile strength of starch and poly(lactic acid) blends. Applied Engineering in Agriculture 19(5): 573-579.

· Zhong, Z., and X. S. Sun. 2003. Properties of soy protein isolate/poly(ethylene-co-ethyl acrylate-co-maleic anhydride) blends. J. Applied Polymer Science 88: 407-413.

· Wang, H., X. S. Sun, and P. Seib. 2003. Mechanical properties of starch/poly (lactic acid) blend as affected by physical aging. J. Applied Polymer Science 90(13): 3683-3689.

· Ke, T., and X. S. Sun, 2003. Blending of poly(lactic acids) and starches containing varying amylose content. J. Applied Polymer Science 89(13):3639-3646.

· Ke, T., and X. S. Sun, 2003. Melting behavior and crystallization kinetics of starch and poly(lactic acid) composites. J. Applied Polymer Science 89: 1203-1210.

· Zhan, X., D. Wang M. Tuinstra, S. Bean, P. A. Seib and X. S. Sun, 2003, Ethanol and lactic acid production as affected by sorghum genotype and location. Industrial Crops and Products 18(3): 245-255.

· Zhong, Z., X. S. Sun, D. Wang, J. Ratto. 2003, Wet strength and water resistance of modified soy protein adhesives and effects o drying treatment. J. Polymers and The Environment 11(4), 137-145.

· Zhan, X. D. Wang, X. S. Sun, S. Kim, and D. Y. C. Fung. 2003. Lactic acid production using extruded-cooked grain sorghum. Transactions of the ASAE 46(2): 589-593.

· Zhong, Z., X. S. Sun, X. Fang, and J. Ratto. 2002. Adhesive strength of guanidine hydrochloride-modified soy protein for fiberboard application. Int. J. Adhesion & Adhesives 22: 267-272.

· Carson, L., and X. S. Sun, C. Setser, and Y. Peng. 2002. Assessing food firmness using an electronic sensing system with a model food system. J. Texture Studies 33: 389-399.

· Peng, Y., X. S. Sun, L. Carson, and C. Sester. 2002. Hardness and fracturability of foods by electronic sensing system. J. Texture Studies 33 (2):135-148.

· Wang, F., and X. S. Sun. 2002. Creep-recovery of wheat flour doughs and relationship to other physical dough tests and breadmaking performance. Cereal Chem. 79(4): 567-571.

· Xie, F., F. Dewoll, and X. S. Sun. 2002. Comparison of near-infrared reflectance spectroscopy and texture analyzer for measuring wheat bread changes in storage. Cereal Chem. 80(1): 25-29.

· Carson, L., X. S. Sun, C. Setser, and Y. Peng. 2002. Assessing cohesiveness of mass in foods using an electronic sensing system. J. Texture Studies 33 (6): 571-584.

· Wang, F., and X. S. Sun. 2002. Frequency dependence of viscoelastic properties of bread crumb and relation to bread staling. Cereal Chem. 79(1):108-114.

· Wang, H., X. S. Sun, and P. Seib. 2002. Mechanical properties of poly(lasctic acid) and wheat starch with methylenediphenyl diisocyanate. J. Applied Polymer Science 84: 1257-1262.

· Wang, H., X. S. Sun, and P. Seib. 2002. Effects of starch moisture on properties of wheat starch/poly(lactic acid) blend containing methylenediphenyl diisocyanate. J. Polymers and the Environment 10 (4): 133-138.

· Mo, X., and X. S. Sun. 2002. Thermal and mechanical properties of plastics molded from sodium dodecyl sulfate-modified soy protein isolates. J. Polymers and the Environment 8 (4): 161-166.

· Wang, D., and X. S. Sun. 2002. Low density straw particle board. Industrial Crops and Products 15(1): 43-50.

· Mo, X. and X. S. Sun. 2002. Plasticization of soy protien polymmer by polyol-based plasticizers. J. American Oil Chemist Society 79: 197-202.

· Mo, X. and X. S. Sun. 2002. Effects of storage time on properties of soybean protein-based plastics. J. Polymers and the Environment 11 (1): 15-22.

· Ke, T., and X. S. Sun, 2002. Thermal and mechanical properties of poly(lactic acids)/starch/MDI blending with triethyl citrate. J. Applied Polymer Science 88 (13): 2947-2955.

· Mo, X., E. Cheng, D. Wang, and X. S. Sun. 2002. Physical properties of medium-density straw particleboard. Industrial Crops and Products 18(1): 47-53.

· Ke, T. Y., and X. S. Sun. 2001. Effects of moisture content and heat treatment on physical properties of starch and poly(lactic acid) blends. J. Applied Polymer Science 81: 3069-3082.

· Zhong, Z., and X. S. Sun. 2001. Thermal and mechanical properties and water absorption of guanidine hydrochloride modified soy protein (11S). J. Applied Polymer Science 78: 1063-1070.

· Zhong, Z., and X. S. Sun. 2001. Thermal and mechanical properties and water absorption of sodium dodecyl sulfate modified soy protein (11S). J. Applied Polymer Science 81: 166-175.

· Mo, X., Jie H., X. S. Sun, and J. Ratto. 2001. Compression and tensile strength of low density wheat-protein particle board. Industrial Crops and Products 14: 1-9.

· Ke, T. and X. S. Sun. 2001. Thermal and mechanical properties of poly (lactic acid) and starch blends with various plasticizers. Transitions of ASAE 44(4): 945-953.

· Zhong, Z. and X. S. Sun. 2001. Thermal and mechanical properties and water absorption of soy protein /polycaprolactone blends. Polymer 42(2001): 6961-6969.

· Mo, X., and X. S. Sun, 2001. Thermal and mechanical properties of plastics molded from urea modified soy protein isolates. J. American Oil Chemist Society 78: 867-872.

· Wang, H., X. S. Sun, and P. Seib. 2001. Strengthening blends of poly(lasctic acid) and starch with methylenediphenyl diisocyanate. J. Applied Polymer Science 82: 1761-1767. (Cited 261 by 2018)

· Zhong, Z., X. S. Sun, X. Feng, and J. Ratto. 2001 Adhesion strength of sodium dodecyl sulfate-modified soy protein on fiberboard. J. Adhesion Science and Technology 15(12): 1417-1427.

· Wang, D., and X. S. Sun. 2001. Composites from agricultural-derived resins and fibers. AGRO food INDUSTRY HI TECH, July-Aug. Issue.

· Ke, T., and X. S. Sun, 2001. Starch, poly(lactic acid) and poly(vinyl alcohol) blends. J. Polymers and the Environment Vol 11 (1): 27-34.

· Karr, G., and X. S.Sun. 2000. Physical properties of strawboard as affected by processing parameters. Industrial Crops and Products 12:19-24.

· Zhong, Z., and X. S. Sun. 2000. Thermal behavior and nonfreezing water of soybean protein components. Cereal Chem. 77(4):495-500.

· Ke, T. Y. and X. S. Sun. 2000. Mechanical and thermal properties of starch and poly(lactic acid) with varying blending ratios. Cereal Chem. 77(6): 761-768.

· Carson, L., C. Sester, and X. S. Sun. 2000. Sensory characterization of sorghum composite bread. International Journal of Food Science and Technology 35: 465-471.

· Carson, L., and X. S. Sun. 2000. Breads from white grain sorghum: Rheological properties and baking volume with exogenous gluten protein. J. Applied Engineering in Agriculture 16(4):423-429.

· Carson, L., and X. S. Sun. 2000. Breads from white grain sorghum: Effects of SSL, DATEM, and Xanthan gum on sorghum bread volume. J. Applied Engineering in Agriculture 16(4):431-436.

· Sun, X. S., F. T. Wang, L. Carson, and C. Sester. 2000. Electronic sensing system for texture characterization of foods during chewing. Transaction of the ASAE 44(3): 623-630.

· Carson, L., and X. S. Sun. 2000. Creep-Recovery of bread and its texture attributes. Cereal Chem. 78(1): 101-104.

· Huang, W., and X. S. Sun. 2000. Adhesive properties of soy proteins modified by urea and guanidine hydrochloride. J. American Oil Chemist Society 77(1): 101-104.

· Karr, G., and X. S. Sun. 2000. Strawboard from vapor phase acetylation of wheat straw. Industrial Crops and Products 11: 31-41.

· Huang, W., and X. S. Sun. 2000. Adhesive properties of soy proteins modified by sodium dodecyl sulfate and sodium dodecylbenzene sulfonate. J. American Oil Chemist Society 77(7): 705-708.

· Zhong, Z., X. S. Sun, X. Feng, and J. Ratto. 2000. Adhesive properties of soy protein with fiber cardboard. J. American Oil Chemist Society 78(1):37-41.

· Wang, F., and X. S. Sun. 1999. Thermal expansion of flour-water dough in baking. Cereal Chemistry 76(1): 87-91.

· Sun, X., H. Kim, and X. Mo. 1999. Plastic performance of soybean protein components. J. American Oil Chemists Society 76 (1): 117-123.

· Mo, X., X. S. Sun, and Y. Wang. 1999. Curing temperature and pressure on properties of soy protein polymers. J. Applied Polymers Science 73: 2595-2602.

· Sun, X. S., and K. Bian. 1999. Shear strength and water resistance of modified soy protein adhesives. J. American Oil Chemist Society 76(8): 977-980. (Cited 216 by 2018)

· Linag, F., Y. Wang, and X. S. Sun. 1999. Curing process and thermal mechanical properties of protein-based polymers. J. Polymer Engineering 19(6):383-393.

· Moreira R. G., X. S. Sun, and Y. Chen. 1997. Factors affecting oil uptake in tortilla chips in deep fat frying. J. Food Engineering 31(4): 485-498.

· Sun, X., and R. G. Moreira. 1996. Correlation between NMR proton relaxation and free fatty acids and total polar materials of degraded oil in deep fat frying. J. Food processing and preservation 20: 157-167.

· Schmidt, S. J., X. S. Sun, and J. B. Litchfield. 1996. Applications of magnetic resonance imaging in food science. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition 36(4):357-385.

· Tseng, Y., R. G. Moreira, and X. S. Sun. 1996. Total frying-use time effects on soybean-oil deterioration and on tortila chip quality. International Journal of Food Science and Technology 31: 287-294.

· Sun, X., and S. J. Schmidt. 1995. Probing water relation in foods using magnetic resonance techniques. Annual Reports On NMR Spectroscopy 31: 239-273.

· Moreira, R. G., J. Palau and X. Sun. 1995. Deep fat frying of tortilla chips: an engineering approach. J. Food Technology April 1995.

· Moreira, R. G., J. Palau, X. Sun, and V. Sweat. 1995. Thermal and physical properties of tortilla chips as a function of frying time. J. Food Processing and Preservation 19: 175-189.

· Sun, X., J. B. Litchfield, and S. J. Schmidt. 1994. Temperature mapping of a potato using fast scanning MRI technique. J. Food Process Engineering 17: 423-437.

· Moreira, R. G., J. Palau and X. Sun. 1994. Simultaneously mass and heat transfer of tortilla chips during deep-fat frying. J. Food Process Engineering 18: 307-320.

· Sun, X., J. B. Litchfield, and S. J. Schmidt. 1993. Temperature mapping in a model food gel using MRI. J. Food Science 58(1): 168-172.

· Sun, X., G. Cheng, and W. Cheng. 1990. Study of the method of plane screen's measurement design. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery 21: 46-52.

· Sun, X. 1989. Optimum factors determination for plane screen grain separation system based on productivity. J. Agricultural Mechanization Research 2: 22-31, China.

· Cheng W., G. Cheng, and X. Sun. 1989. Principle of grain separation processing. Transactions of The Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery 20(2): 9-15.

· Sun, X. 1986. Method of constructing a system's mathematical model and trailing its true optimum point. Journal of Northeast Agricultural University 17(2): 199-208, China.

· Sun, X. 1986. Review: "the common mistakes in the studies of the grain movement on the plane screen". J. Seed Processing 1: 21-25, China.

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Peer-reviewed Publications

1. Hu Zhang, Shannon Eaker, Lexan Lhu, Behzad Mahdavi, Sita Somara, Xiuzhi Susan Sun, 2020, SCTM-20-0236 Bioreactor Technology for Cell Manufacture, STEM CELLS Translational Medicine.*

2. Tiffany Carter, Guangyan Qi, Weiqun Wang, Annelise Nguyen, Nikki Cheng, Young Min Ju, Sang Jin Lee, James Yoo, Anthony Atala, and Xiuzhi Susan Sun, 2020, Self-Assembling Peptide Solution Accelerates Hemostasis, Journal of Advances in Wound Care, (accepted ) PMID: 32716728, DOI: 10.1089/wound.2019.1109

3. Jingwen Xu, Guangyan Qi, Chunxia Sui, Weiqun Wang, Xiuzhi Sun, 2019, 3D h9e peptide hydrogel: An advanced three-dimensional cell culture system for anticancer prescreening of chemopreventive phenolic agents. Toxicology in Vitro, 61(2019)104599.

4. Liu, J. M. Wu, M. Wang, Y. Zou, Z. Tan, D. Wang, XS. Sun. Predicting the content of camelina protein using FT-IR spectroscopy coupled with SVM model. Cluster Computing (2019) 22:S8401–S8406 (

5. Yonghui Li, Cong Li, Xiuzhi Susan Sun. 2019. Fundamental Insights into the Curing Mechanisms of Epoxidized Fatty Acid Methyl Esters and Triglycerides. AOCS DOI 10.1002/aocs.12260.

6. Shiwei Xu, Yanting Shen, Jingwen Xu, Guangyan Qi, Gengjun Chen, Weiqun Wang, Xiuzhi Sun, Yonghui Li, 2019, Antioxidant and anticancer effects in human hepatocarcinoma (HepG2) cells of papain-hydrolyzed sorghum kafirin hydrolysates, Journal of Functional Food, 58: 374-382.

7. Jingwen Xu, Xiaoyu Su, Yonghui Li, Xiuzhi Susan Sun, Donghai Wang, and Weiqun Wang, 2019, Response of Bioactive Phytochemicals in Vegetables and Fruits to Environmental Factors, Europen Journal of Nutrition and Food Safety, 9(3): 233-247, 2019; Article no.EJNFS.2019.035, ISSN: 2347-5641.

8. Longkun Li, Guihuan Liu, X. Susan Sun,Peter Timashev, Tracy Criswell, Anthony Atala, Yuanyuan Zhang, 2019, Biofabrication of Tissue-Specific Extracellular Matrix Proteins to Enhance the Expansion and Differentiation of Skeletal Muscle Progenitor Cells, Applied Physics Reviews, 6, 021309 (2019);

9. Jonggeun Sung and Xiuzhi Susan Sun, 2018, Cardanol modified fatty acids from camelina oils for flexible bio-based acrylates coatings, Progress in Organic Coatings, 123: 242-253.

10. Haijing Liu, Scott Bean, Xiuzhi Susan Sun, 2018, Camelina protein adhesives enhanced by polyelectrolyte interaction for plywood applications, Industrial Crops and Products, 124: 343-352.

11. Yonghui Li, Donghai Wang, Xiuzhi Susan Sun, 2018, Epoxidized and acrylated camelina oils for UV curable wood coatings. AOCS

12. Xiwen Cao, Ningbo Li, Guangyan Qi, Xiuzhi Susan Sun, Donghai Wang, 2018, Effect of spray drying on the properties of camelina gum isolated from camelina seeds. Industrial Crops and Products, 117: 278-285.

13. Cong, Li, Jiwen Liu, Yizhou Chen, Tao Li, Xiaoxia Cai, Jonggeun Sung, and Xiuzhi Susan Sun, 2018, Hybrid Network via Instantaneous Photoradiation: High Efficient Design of 100% Bio-Based Thermosets with Remoldable and Recyclable Capabilities after UV Curing, Chemical Engineering Journal, 336 (2018) 54-63.

14. Emery Brown, Seok-Hwan Park, Ayyappan Elangovan, Yue Yuan, Jooyoun Kim, Xiuzhi Susan Sun, Xiaoming Zhang, Guohong Wang, and Jun Li, 2018, Facilitating High-Capacity V2O5 Cathodes with Stable Two and Three Li+ Insertion Using a Hybrid Membrane Structure Consisting of Amorphous V2O5 Shells Coaxially Deposited on Electrospun Carbon Nanofibers, Electrochimica Acta 269 (2018): 144-154.

15. Jun Liang, Gang Liu1, Jing Wang, and Xiuzhi Susan Sun, 2017, Controlled release of BSA‑linked cisplatin through a PepGel self‑assembling peptide nanofber hydrogel scaffold, Amino Acids, DOI 10.1007/s00726-017-2444-z.

16. X. Zhu, D. Wang, N. Li, X. S. Sun, 2017. A Bio-Based Wood Adhesive from Camelina Protein (a Biodiesel Residue) and De-Polymerized Lignin with Improved Water Resistance, ACS Omega, DOI: 10.1021/acsomega.7b01093. 2 (11): 7996-8004

17. C. Li, X.Cai,J. Sung,H. Wang, S. H. Bossmann, and X. S. Sun, 2017, Fatty acid chain combined with cycloaliphatic rings via Amberlyst-15: a promising structure for a high bio-content epoxy design, Journal of Polymer Science Part A: Polymer Chemistry, 55:794-800.

18. Jun Liang, X. Susan Sun, Zhilong Yang, Shuai Cao, 2017, Anticancer Drug Camptothecin Test in 3D Hydrogel Networks with HeLa cells, Scientific Report 7: 37626.

19. Ke Zhang, Zhenglin Tan, Chengci Chen, Xiuzhi Susan Sun, and Donghai Wang, 2017, Rapid Prediction of Camelina Seed Oil Content Using Near-Infrared Spectroscopy, Energy&Fuels, 31: 5629−5634.

20. Yonghui Li, Shih-Hsiung Chou, Wenting Qian, Jonggeun Sung, Shing I Chang, Xiuzhi Susan Sun. 2017. Optimization of soybean oil based pressure-sensitive adhesives using a full factorial design. Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society, 94, 713-721.

21. Xiangwei Zhu, Donghai Wang, Xiuzhi Susan Sun. 2017. Carbodiimide stabilizes the ultrasound-pretreated camelina protein structure with improved water resistance. Industrial Crops and Product.97(2017) 196-200.

22. Gaind P. Pandey, Tao Liu, Cody Hancock, Yonghui Li, Xiuzhi Susan Sun, Jun Li, 2016, Thermostable gel polymer electrolyte based on succinonitrile and ionic liquid for high-performance solid-state supercapacitors, Journal of Power Sources, 328 (2016): 510-519.

23. Gaind P. Pandey, Tao Liu, Emery Brown, Yiqun Yang, Yonghui Li, Xiuzhi Susan Sun, Yueping Fang, and Jun Li, 2016, Mesoporous Composite of Reduced Graphene Oxide-Vanadium Oxide for Lithium-ion Batteries and Electrochemical Capacitors with Enhanced Electrochemical Performance, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2016, 8 (14): 9200–9210

24. H. Liu, X.S. Sun, C. Li. 2016. Blend soy protein adhesives with soy-oil-based waterborne polyurethane to improve wet strength on wood. J of Adhesion and Adhesives,

25. Li, Cong,Yonghui Li, Xiaoxia Cai, Hongwang Wang, Stefan H Bossmann,Jonggeun Sung, and Xiuzhi Susan Sun, 2016, Competitive Nucleophilic Attack Chemistry Based on Undecenoic Acid: A new Chemical Route for Plant Oil-based Epoxies. ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering, 4: 5718-5729, DOI:10.1021/acssuschemeng.6b01656

26. Li, Cong, T. Li, X. Cai, X. S. Sun. 2016. Substantially Reinforcing Plant Oil-Based Materials via Cycloaliphatic Epoxy with Double Bond-Bridged Structure, Polymer, 107: 19-28.

27. G. Qi, N. Li, X. S. Sun, Y. Shi , D. Wang, 2016, Effects of glycerol and nanoclay on physiochemical properties of camelina gum-based films, Carbohydrate Polymers, 152: 747-754

28. G. Qi, N. Li, D. Wang, and X.S. Sun. 2016. Adhesive performance of camelina protein affected by extraction conditions. Transaction of the ASABE, 59(3): 1083-1090. (doi: 10.13031/trans.59.11686).

29. G. Qi, N. Li, D. Wang, X.S. Sun. 2016. Development of high performance soy protein adhesives using sodium montmorillonite clay modified soy protein. JAOCS 93(11): 1519-1528

30. N. Li, G. Qi, X.S. Sun, D. Wang. 2016. Characterization of gums isolated from camelina seeds. Industrial Crops and Products, 83: 268-274.

31. X. Zhu, D. Wang, and X.S. Sun. 2016. Physic-chemical properties of camelina protein altered by sodium bisulfite and guanidine-HCl. Industrial Crops and Products 83(2016):453-461.

32. Li, Cong, J. Sung,X.S. Sun. 2016. Network from Dihydrocoumarin via Solvent-Free Metal-Mediated Pathway: A Potential Structure for Substantial Toughness Improvement of Epoxidized Plant Oil Materials. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 2016, 4: 1231-1239

33. Min Jung Kim, Xiuzhi Susan Sun. 2015, Correlation between physical properties and shear adhesion strength of enzymatically modified soy protein-based adhesives. JAOCS, 19: 1-12.

34. Y. Li, Donghai Wang, Xiuzhi Susan Sun. 2015. Copolymers from epoxidized soybean oil and lactic acid oligomers for pressure-sensitive adhesives. Royal Society of Chemistry, RCS Advances, 5. 27256-27265.

35. G.P. Pandey, S.A. Klankowski, Y. Li, X.S. Sun, J. Wu, R.A. Rojeski, and J. Li. 2015. Effective Infiltration of Gel Polymer Electrolyte into Silicon-Coated Vertically Aligned Carbon Nanofibers as Anodes for Solid-State Lithium-ion Batteries. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 7, 20909-20918.

36. Y. Li, X.S. Sun. 2015. Camelina oil derivatives and adhesion properties. Industrial Crops and Products, 73, 73-80.

37. Y. Li, X.S. Sun. 2015. Synthesis and characterization of acrylic polyols and polymers from soybean oils for pressure-sensitive adhesives. RSC Advances, 5, 44009-44017.

38. H. Liu, C. Li, X.S. Sun. 2015. Improved Water Resistance in Undecylenic Acid (UA)-Modified Soy Protein Isolate (SPI)-Based Adhesives. Industrial Crops and Products, 74:577-584

39. Y. Li, X.S. Sun. 2015. Polyols from epoxidized soybean oil and alpha hydroxy acids and adhesion properties from UV polymerization. International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives, 63, 1-8.

40. D. Kumar, C. Kandl, C. Hamilton, Y. Shnayder, T. T. Tsue, K. Kakarala, L. Ledgerwood, X. S. Sun, H. H. Huang, D. Girod, S. M. Thomas. 2015, Mitigation of Tumor-Associated Fibroblast-Facilitated Head and Neck Cancer Progression With Anti–Hepatocyte Growth Factor Antibody Ficlatuzumab, J of American Medical Association (JAMA)-Otolaryngology, 141 (12): 1133-1139, Doi:10.1001/jamaoto.2015.2381

41. Namhoon Kim, Yonghui Li, Xiuzhi Susan Sun. 2015. Epoxidation of Camelina sativa oil and peel adhesion properties. Industrial Crops and Products, 64, 1-8. Cited 26 by 2018

42. N. Li, G. Qi, X.S. Sun, and D. Wang. 2015. Adhesion property of camelina protein fractions isolated with different sequences. Industrial Crops and Products, 69, 263-272.

43. Hongzhou Huang, Debabani Ganguly, Jianhan Chen, and Xiuzhi S. Sun, 2015, Conformational Flexibility and pH Effects in Anisotropic Growth of Sheet-like Assembly by Amphiphilic Peptides, J of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 15: 4470-4479.

44. Jonggeun Sung, Yonghui Li, Xiuzhi Susan Sun. 2015. Plasticization effects of dihydroxyl soybean oil improve flexibilities of epoxy-based films for coating applications. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, Vol 132(6) : 41773.

45. Min Jung Kim, Xiuzhi Susan Sun. 2014. Adhesion properties of soy protein crosslinked with organic calcium silicate hydrate hybrids, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 131(17). 40693, doi: 10.1002/app.40693.

46. Ningbo Li, Guangyan Qi, Xiuzhi Susan Sun, Donghai Wang, Scott R Bean, Deidre Blackwell. 2014. Isolation and characterization of protein fractions isolated from camelina meal. Transactions of the ASABE, 57, 1, 169-178.

47. Yonghui Li, Caihong Chen, Jun Li, Xiuzhi Susan Sun. 2014. Photoactivity of poly(lactic acid) nanocomposites modulated by TiO2 nanofillers. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 131, 40241, doi: 10.1002/app.40241.

48. Yonghui Li, Donghai Wang, Xiuzhi Susan Sun. 2014. Oxirane cleavage kinetics of epoxidized soybean oil by water and UV‑polymerized resin adhesion properties. J Am Oil Chem Soc, 92(1): 121-131.

49. Yonghui Li, Xiuzhi Susan Sun. 2014. Di-hydroxylated soybean oil polyols with varied hydroxyl values and their influence on UV-curable pressure-sensitive adhesives. J Am Oil Chem Soc, 91(8): 1425-1432.

50. L. Peña, K. L. Hohnb, J. Li, X.S. Sun and D. Wang. 2014. Effect of synthesis conditions on surface and catalytic properties of propyl-sulfonic acid-functionalized nanoparticles. J. Biomaterials and Nanobiotechnology 5(4): 241-253.

51. Y. H. Li, C. Chen, J. Li, X. S. Sun, 2013, Photoactivity of Poly(lactic acid) nanocomposites modulated by TiO2 nanofillers, J of Applied Polymer Science, DOI: 10.1002/app.40241

52. Li, X., Galliher-Beckley, A.J., Nietfeld, J.C., Huang, H., Sun, X., Faaberg, K.S., and Shi, J. 2013, Peptide nanofiber hydrogel adjuvanted live virus vaccine induces cross-protective immunity to porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus, Vaccine 31 (2013), pp. 4508-4515

53. Zhigang Xiao, Yonghui Li, Xiaorong Wu, Guangyan Qi, Ningbo Li, Ke Zhang, Donghai Wang, and Xiuzhi Susan Sun, 2013, Utilization of Sorghum Lignin to Improve Adhesion Strength of Soy Protein Adhesives on Wood Veneer, Industrial Crops and Products, 50:501-509

54. Guangyan Qi, Ningbo Li, Donghai Wang, Xiuzhi Susan Sun, 2013, Adhesion and physicochemical properties of soy protein modified by sodium bisulfite, J. American Oil Chemistry, 90(12): 1917-1926

55. Guangyan Qi, Ningbo Li, Donghai Wang, Xiuzhi Susan Sun, 2013, Physicochemical properties of soy protein adhesives modified by 2-octen-1-ylsuccinic anhydride, Industrial Crops and Products, 46. 165-172

56. Ahn, B. Kollbe, Jonggeun Sung, Nassim Rahmani, George Wang, Namhoon Kim, Kevin Lease, and Xiuzhi Susan Sun, 2013, UV-curable, high-shear pressure-sensitive adhesives derived from acrylated epoxidized soybean oil. J. Adhesion, 89: 1-16.

57. Huang H, Ding Y, Sun XS, Nguyen TA, 2013, Peptide Hydrogelation and Cell Encapsulation for 3D Culture of MCF-7 Breast Cancer Cells. PLoS ONE 8(3): e59482. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0059482

58. Xin Li, Donghai Wang, Jo A. Ratto, Xiuzhi Susan Sun, 2013, Production of High Strength, Thin-layered, Pulp Fiberboard Using Soy Protein Adhesives, J of Adhesion Science and Technology, 27(18-19):2065-2074.

59. Mo, Xiaoqun, and X. Susan Sun, 2013, Soy protein plywood adhesives: formulation and characterization, J of Adhesion Science and Technology, 27(18-19):2014-2026.

60. Ahn, B. Kollbe, Jonggeun Sung, Namhoon Kim, Stefan Kraft, and Xiuzhi Susan Sun, 2013, UV-curable pressure-sensitive adhesives derived from functionalized soybean oils and rosin ester, Polymer International, 62(9): 1293-1301, online DOI: 10.1002/pi.4420.

61. Ahn, B. Kollbe, Jonggeun Sung, Yonghui Li, Namhoon Kim, Nihar Mohanty, Myles Ikenberry, Phong Nguyen, Keith Hohn, Vikas Berry, and Xiuzhi Susan Sun, 2012, Synthesis and characterization of amphiphilic reduced graphene oxide with epoxidized methyl oleate, Advanced Materials, 24:2123-2129.

62. Huang, Hongzhou, Alvaro I. Herrera, Zhiping Luo, Om Prakash, Xiuzhi S. Sun, 2012, Structural transformation and physical properties of a hydrogel forming peptide studied by NMR and TEM, Biophysical Journal, 103: 979-988.

63. Ahn, Byung-Jun; Kraft, Stefan; Sun, Xiuzhi, 2012, Solvent-free acid-catalyzed ring opening of epoxidized oleochemicals using stearates/stearic acid, and its applications, J Agriculture and Food Chemistry 60:2179-2189

64. Yan, S., X. Wu, J. Faubion, S. Bean, L. Cai, Y-C. Shi, X.S. Sun, and D. Wang. 2012. Ethanol production performance of ozone treated tannin grain sorghum flour. Cereal Chem. 89 (1):30-37.

65. Li, Yonghui, Xiuzhi Susan Sun, 2011, Nanocomposites of poly(lactic acid) and surface grafted MgO nanoparticles: preparation and characterization, J. Biobased Materials and Bioenergy, 5:452-459.

66. Sun, Xiuzhi Susan, 2011, Soy Protein Polymers and Adhesion Properties, J Biobased Materials and Bioenergy, 5: 1-24

67. Wu, X., J. Markham, X.S. Sun, and D. Wang. 2012, Optimization of catalytic fast pyrolysis of biomass for hydrocarbon yield. Transaction of the ASABE, 55(5):1879-1885.

68. N. Li, G. Qi, X.S. Sun, and D. Wang. 2012. Effects of sodium bisulfite on the physicochemical and adhesion properties of canola protein fractions. J. Polymers and Environment, (2012) 20:905-915.

69. Qi, G., N. Li, D. Wang, and X.S. Sun. 2012. Physicochemical properties of soy protein adhesives obtained by in situ sodium bisulfate modification during acid precipitation. AOCS Oil Chemistry 89 (2):301-312.

70. Li, N., G. Qi,X. S. Sun,M. J. Stamm,D. Wang, 2012, Physicochemical properties and adhesion performance of canola protein modified with sodium bisulfite, Journal of American Oil Chemists’ Society, 89: 897-908

71. Li, Yonghui, Caihong Chen, Jun Li, Xiuzhi Susan Sun, 2012, Isothermal Crystallization and Melting Behaviors of Bionanocomposites from Poly(lactic acid) and TiO2 Nanowires, J of Applied Polymer Science, 124:2968-2977,

72. Ahn, B. Kollbe, Hongwang Wang, Shona Robinson, Tej B. Shrestha, Deryl L. Troyer, Stefan Bossmann, Xiuzhi Susan Sun, 2012, Ring opening of epoxidized methyl oleate using novel acid functionalized iron nanoparticle catalyst, Green Chemistry, 14: 136-142.

73. Ahn, B. Kollbe, Jonggeun Sung, Xiuzhi Susan Sun, 2012, Phosphate esters functionalized dihydroxyl soybean oil fackifier of pressure-sensitive adhesives, J of American Oil Chemistry, 89:909-915

74. Pena, L, M. Ikenberry, B. Ware, K. L. Hohn, D. Boyle, X. S. Sun and D. Wang, 2011, Cellobiose hydrolysis using acid-functionalized nanoparticles, Biotechnology and Bioprocess Engineering, 16(6), 1214-1222

75. B. K. Ahn; S. Kraft; D. Wang; X. S. Sun. Green synthesis and characterization of pressure sensitive adhesivesfrom functionalized soybean oils. Polymer Preprint. 2011, 52.1, 76-77

76. Huang, Hongzhou, Jishu Shi, Juilia Laskin, Ziyan Liu, David S. McVey, and Xiuzhi Susan Sun, 2011, Design of a shear-thinning recoverable peptide hydrogel from native sequences and application for influenza H1N1 vaccine adjuvant, Soft Matter 7 (19), 8905 – 8912

77. Qi, Guangyan, Karthik Venkateshan, Xiaoqun Mo, Lu Zhang, and Xiuzhi Susan Sun, 2011, Physicochemical properties of soy protein: effects of subunit composition, J Agr & Food Chem, 59,9958-9964

78. N. Li, Y. Wang, M. Tilley, SR. Bean, X, Wu, X. S. Sun, and D. Wang. 2011. Adhesive Performance of Sorghum Protein Extracted from Sorghum DDGS and Flour. J. Polymers and the Environment 19 (3) 755-765

79. Byung-Jun Kollbe Ahn, Stefan Kraft and XiuzhiSusan Sun, 2011, Chemical Pathways of Epoxidized and Hydroxylated Fatty Acid Methyl Esters and Triglycerides with Phosphoric Acid, J of Materials Chemistry,21, 9498-9505

80. Byung-Jun Kollbe Ahn, Stenphen, Donghai Wang, Xiuzhi Susan Sun, 2011, Thermally Stable Transparent Pressure Sensitive Adhesives from Epoxidized and Dihydroxyl Soybean Oil, Biomacromolecules, 12, 1839-1843

81. Yonghui Li, Caihong Chen, Jun Li, Xiuzhi Susan Sun, 2011, Synthesis and Characterization of Bionanocomposites of Ploy(lactic Acid) and TiO2 Nanowires by in situ Polymerization, Polymer 52, 2367-2375

82. Guoping Yu, H. Liu, K. Venkateshan, S. Yan, J. Cheng, X. S. Sun, and D. Wang, 2011. Functional, physiochemical, and rheological properties of duckweed (Spirodela polyrhiza) protein. Transactions of the ASABE, 54(2): 555-561

83. Mo, Xiaoqun, Donghai Wang, and Xiuahi Susan Sun, 2011, Physico-chemical properties of b, and a¢a subunits isolated from soybean b-conglycinin. J of Agriculture and Food Chemistry 59, 1217-1222.

84. Qi, Guangyan and Xiuzhi Susan Sun, 2011, Soy Protein Adhesive Blends with Synthetic Latex on Wood Veneer, J American Oils Chemistry, 88 (2), 271- 281

85. Li, Yonghui, Xiuzhi Susan Sun, 2011. Mechanical and thermal properties of biocomposites from poly(lactic acid) and DDGS Blends, J. of Applied Polymer Science, 121: 589-597

86. Shera, Jeanne, Daisuke Takahashi, Alvaro I. Herrera, Om Prakash, and Xiuzhi Susan Sun, 2010, Morphology and structural properties of pH-responsive amphiphilic peptides, JNN 10, 7981-7987

87. Huang, Hongzhou and Xiuzhi S. Sun. 2010, Rational design of responsive self-assembling peptides from native protein sequences, Biomacromolecules, 2010, 11,3390-3394.

88. Li, Yonghui, Karthik venkateshan, Xiuzhi Susan Sun, 2010, Mechanical and Thermal Properties, Morphology, and Relaxation Characteristics of Poly (lactic acid) and Soy Flour/Wood Flour Blends, Polymer International, 59(8), 1099-1109.

89. Li, Yonghui, Xiuzhi Susan Sun, 2010, Preparation and Characterization of Polymer-Inorganic Nanocomposites by in situ Melt Polycondensation of L-lactic acid and Surface-Hydroxylated MgO, Biomacromolecules, 11(7), 1847-1855.

90. Qi, G. Y. and X. S. Sun, 2010, Peel Adhesion Properties of Modified Soy Protein Adhesive on Glass Panel. Journal of Industrial Crops and Products 32, (3), 208-212.

91. Zhang, Lu, Xiuzhi Susan Sun, 2010, Sodium bisulfite-induced changes in physicochemical, surface and adhesive properties of soy β-conglycinin, J of AOCS, 87, (5), 583-590,

92. Shera, Jeanne, and Xiuzhi Susan Sun, 2009, Effect of Peptide Sequence on Surface Properties and Self-Assembly of an Amphiphilic pH-Responsive Peptide, Biomacromolecules, 10(8): 2201-2206

93. Beaver, Erin, Ken Klabunde, Biaobing Wang, Xiuzhi Susan Sun, 2009. Lactic Acid-Magnesium Oxide Nanocomposites: How Nanoparticle Size and Shape Affect Initial Polymerization and the Resulting Properties of the Prepolymer, New Journal of Chemistry, 33:1951-1959

94. Wang, Ying, Michael Tilley, Scott Bean, X. Susan Sun, and Donghai Wang, 2009, Comparison of Methods for Extracting Sorghum Proteins from Distillers Dried Grains with Solubles", Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 57:8366-8372.

95. Kun, Fang, Biaobing Wang, Kuichuan Sheng, Xiuzhi Susan Sun, 2009, Properties and Morphology of Poly(lactic acid) / Soy Protein Isolate Blends, J of Applied Polymer Science 114(2), 754-759.

96. Wang, Donghai, X. Susan Sun, G. Yang, Y. Wang, 2009, Improved Water Resistance of Soy Protein Adhesive at Isoelectric Point, The Transactions of the ASABE (American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers), Vol. 52(1), 173-177.

97. Venkateshan, Karthikand Xiuzhi Susan Sun, 2009, Thermodynamic and microscopy studies of urea-soy protein composites, Polymer Preprints, 50(2): 71-72.

98. Biaobing Wang, Xiuzhi Susan Sun,and Kenneth Klabunde, 2009. Poly(lactic acid)/multi-hydroxyl magnesium oxide nanocomposites prepared by melt compounding, J. Biobased Materials and Bioenergy, 3: 130-138.

99. Li, Xin, Yonghui Li, Zhikai Zhong, Donghai Wang,Jo A. Ratto,Kuichuan Sheng, Xiuzhi Susan Sun, 2009, Mechanical and water soaking properties of medium density fiberboard with wood fiber and soybean protein adhesive, Bioresource Technology, Vol. 100: 3556-3562.

100. Zhao, H., J. Zhang, X. S. Sun,and D. H. Hua. 2008. Syntheses and properties of cross-linked polymers from functionalized triglycerides. J. Applied Polymer Science 110: 647-656.

101. Sun, X. S., D. Wang, L. Zhang, X. Mo, L. Zhu, and D. Boyle. 2008. Morphology and phase separation of hydrophobic clusters of soy globular protein polymers. Macromolecular Bioscience 2008 (8): 295-303.

102. Acioli-Moura, R., and X. S. Sun. 2008. Thermal degradation and physical aging of poly(lactic acid) and its blends with starch. Polymer Engineering and Science DOI 10.1002.pen.21019, 829-836.

103. D.Y. Corredor, X. S. Sun, J.M. Salazar, K.L. Hohn, and D. Wang. 2008. Enzymatic hydrolysis of soybean hulls using dilute acid and modified steam-explosion pretreatments. J. Biobased Materials and Bioenergy 2 (1): 43-50.

104. Mo, X., Y. Hiromasa, A. Al-Rawi, M. Warner, T. Iwamoto, T. Rahman, X. S. Sun, and J. M. Tomich. 2008, Design of bio-based 11- residue adhesive peptides with different properties: Induced secondary structure in the absence of water. Biophysical J. 94: 1807-1817.

105. Zhang, L., and X. S. Sun. 2008. Effects of sodium bisulfite on soybean glycinin. J. Agriculture and Food Chemistry 56(23):11192-11197.

106. Li, J., P. Chinachoti, D. Wang, L. M. Hallberg, and X. S. Sun, 2008, Thermal properties of ration components as affected by moisture content and water activity during freezing. J. Food ScienceNov;73(9):E425-30.

107. Zhang, J., and X. S. Sun. 2007. Biodegradable foams of poly(lactic acid)/starch: I Extrusion Condition and Cellular Size Distribution. J. Applied Polymer Science 106: 857-862.

108. Zhang, J., and X. S. Sun. 2007. Biodegradable foams of poly(lactic acid)/starch: II Cellular Structure and Water Resistance. J. Applied Polymer Science 106: 3058-3062.

109. Zhu, L., and X. S. Sun. 2007. Adhesion performance of amino groups (e-NH2) of soybean glycinin proteins. J. Biobased Materials and Bioenergy 1 (1): 64-70.

110. Kang, E. C., S. Park, X. S. Sun, B. Park, and H. Park. 2007. Curing behavior of urea-formaldehyde resin modified from cooking waste oil-based pMDIprepolymer and its influence on particleboard properties. Forest Products Journal 57(6): 51-58.

111. Sun, X. S., R. Acioli-Moura, and W. Li. 2007.


The attempt of replacing the conventional petroleum plastics by biodegradable and renewable materials for disposable applications has increased continuously nowadays [1,2]. Polylactic acid (PLA), which is a synthetic biopolymer derived from agricultural feedstock, has demonstrated potential ability for replacing petroleum-based plastics due to its mechanical properties [3]. However, its high cost of production, which involves complicated processing procedures, is a limiting factor.

Starch has been incorporated into PLA as filler, which may reduce production cost. However, its use decreases significantly the mechanical properties of the blend.

In order to solve this impasse, methylenediphenyl diisocyanate (MDI) has been incorporated to the starch/PLA blend as binder. Previous research [4] showed that small amounts of MDI (0.05% wt) improve significantly the mechanical properties in starch/PLA (45/55 wt) blends.

Physical aging is a natural phenomenon in amorphous phase in glassy or partially glassy polymers, occurring around its glass transition temperature (Tg) and affecting the thermodynamic state of the material. The process of physical aging occurs at temperatures close or slightly below to Tg, when the free volume reduces spontaneously toward an equilibrium thermodynamic state, reducing the enthalpy. This phenomenon is time dependent [5].

The physical aging process is usually explained by the concept of free volume, which controls the molecular mobility of large portions of polymer chains and affects the physical and mechanical properties of the polymers [6].

In this study, the effect of physical aging on thermal and mechanical properties of PLA, Starch/PLA, and Starch/PLA/MDI were observed.

Starch types on mechanical properties of poly(lactic acid)/starch composites. International Polymer Processing XXII (5): 410-417.

112. Wang, Y., X. S. Sun, and D. Wang. 2007. Effects of preheating treatment on thermal property and adhesion performance of soy protein isolates. J. Adhesion Science and Technology 21(15): 1469-1481.

113. Wang, Y., D. Wang, and X. S. Sun. 2007. Soy protein adhesion enhanced by glutaraldehyde crosslink. J. Applied Polymer Science104(1):130-136.

114. Zhong, Z., and X. S. Sun. 2007. Plywood adhesives by blending soy protein polymer with phenol-formaldehyde resin. J. Biobased Materials and Bioenergy 1: 380-387.

115. Shen, X., R. Moore, X. Mo, S. J. Frazier, T. Iwamoto, J. M. Tomich,and X. S. Sun. 2006. Adhesion and structure properties of protein nanomaterials containing hydrophobic-charged amino acids. J. Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 6: 837-844.

116. Zhong, Z., X. S. Sun, and D. Wang. 2006. Isoelectric pH of polyamide-epichlorohydrin modified soy protein improved water resistance and adhesive strength. J. Applied Polymer Science 103(4): 2261-2270.

117. Cheng, E.Z., and X. S. Sun. 2006. Effects of wood surface roughness, adhesive viscosity, and processing pressure on adhesion strength of protein adhesives. J. Adhesion Science and Technology 20(9): 997-1017.

118. Mo, X., Z. Zhong, D. Wang, and X. S. Sun. 2006. Soybean glycinin subunits: Characterization of physico-chemical and adhesion properties. J. Agriculture and Food Chemistry 54(20): 7589-7593.

119. Wang, Y., X. S. Sun, and D. Wang. 2006. Performance of soy protein adhesives enhanced by esterification. Transactions of the ASABE 49(3): 713-719.

120. Stoll, M. E., W. T. Schapaugh, Jr., M. S. Zutara, J. Hu, and X. S. Sun. 2006. Genotype and environment effects on adhesive shear strength in soybean-based adhesives. Crop Science 46: 2008-2012.

121. Zhan, X., D. Wang, S. R. Bean, X. S. Sun and D. Boyle. 2006. Ethanol production from supercritical extrusion-cooked grain sorghum. Industrial Crops and Products 23(3):304-310

122. Zhong, Z., and X. S. Sun, S. Hagan, and S. Gehrke. 2005. Soy protein isolate/polycaprolactone fractions and water absorption mechanisms. Transaction of the ASAE 48(3): 1281-1286.

123. Zhong, Z., and X. S. Sun. 2005. Thermal characterization and phase behavior of cornstarch studied by differential scanning calorimetry. J. Food Engineering 69(4): 453-459.

124. Wang, Y., D. Wang and X. S. Sun. 2005. thermal properties and adhesiveness of soy protein modified with cationic detergent. J. American Oil Chemist Society 82(5): 357-363

125. Cheng, E., X. S. Sun, and G. Karr, 2004. Adhesive properties of modified soybean flour in wheat straw particleboard, Composite Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing 35 (2004): 297-302.

126. Zhang, J., and X. S. Sun. 2004. Mechanical properties and crystallization behavior of poly(lactic acid) blend with dendritic hyperbranched polymer. Polymers International, 53: 716-722.

127. Mo, X., and X. S. Sun, and D. Wang. 2004. Thermal properties and adhesion strength of modified soybean storage protein. J. American Oil Chemist Society. 81(4): 395-400.

128. Zhang, J., and X. S. Sun. 2004. Mechanical properties of poly(lactic acid)/starch composites compatibilized by maleic anhydride. Biomacromolecules. 5: 1446-1451.

129. Zhang, J., and X. S. Sun. 2004. Mechanical and thermal properties of poly(lactic acid)/starch blends with dioctyl maleate. J. Applied Polymer Science 94(4): 1697-1704.

130. Blanche, S., and X. S. Sun. 2004. Physical characterization of starch extrudates as a function of melting transitions and extrusion conditions. Advances in Polymer Technology. 23(4): 277-290.

131. Zhang, J., and X. S. Sun, 2004. Physical characterization of coupled poly(lactic acitd)/starch/maleic anhy.ride blends plasticized by triethyl citrate. Macromolecular Bioscience 4: 1053-1060.

132. Peng, Y., X. S. Sun, L. Carson, and C. Setser. 2004. Intensity profiles of masseter muscle motion and their relations to texture attributes in mastication of cookies and crackers. Transactions of the ASAE 47 (2): 497-503.

133. Xie, F., F. Dowell, and X. S. Sun. 2003. Using visible and near-infrared reflectance spectroscopy and differential scanning calorimetry to study starch, protein, and temperature effects on bread staling. Cereal Chem. 81(2): 249-254.

134. Pan, H., and X. S. Sun, 2003. Effects of moisture contents and extrusion parameters on tensile strength of starch and poly(lactic acid) blends. Applied Engineering in Agriculture 19(5): 573-579.

135. Zhong, Z., and X. S. Sun. 2003. Properties of soy protein isolate/poly(ethylene-co-ethyl acrylate-co-maleic anhydride) blends. J. Applied Polymer Science 88: 407-413.

136. Wang, H., X. S. Sun, and P. Seib. 2003. Mechanical properties of starch/poly (lactic acid) blend as affected by physical aging. J. Applied Polymer Science 90(13): 3683-3689.

137. Ke, T., and X. S. Sun, 2003. Blending of poly(lactic acids) and starches containing varying amylose content. J. Applied Polymer Science 89(13):3639-3646.

138. Ke, T., and X. S. Sun, 2003. Melting behavior and crystallization kinetics of starch and poly(lactic acid) composites. J. Applied Polymer Science 89: 1203-1210.

139. Zhan, X., D. Wang M. Tuinstra, S. Bean, P. A. Seib and X. S. Sun, 2003, Ethanol and lactic acid production as affected by sorghum genotype and location. Industrial Crops and Products 18(3): 245-255.

140. Zhong, Z., X. S. Sun, D. Wang, J. Ratto. 2003, Wet strength and water resistance of modified soy protein adhesives and effects o drying treatment. J. Polymers and The Environment 11(4), 137-145.

141. Zhan, X. D. Wang, X. S. Sun, S. Kim, and D. Y. C. Fung. 2003. Lactic acid production using extruded-cooked grain sorghum. Transactions of the ASAE 46(2): 589-593.

142. Zhong, Z., X. S. Sun, X. Fang, and J. Ratto. 2002. Adhesive strength of guanidine hydrochloride-modified soy protein for fiberboard application. Int. J. Adhesion & Adhesives 22: 267-272.

143. Carson, L., and X. S. Sun, C. Setser, and Y. Peng. 2002. Assessing food firmness using an electronic sensing system with a model food system. J. Texture Studies 33: 389-399.

144. Peng, Y., X. S. Sun, L. Carson, and C. Sester. 2002. Hardness and fracturability of foods by electronic sensing system. J. Texture Studies 33 (2):135-148.

145. Wang, F., and X. S. Sun. 2002. Creep-recovery of wheat flour doughs and relationship to other physical dough tests and breadmaking performance. Cereal Chem. 79(4): 567-571.

146. Xie, F., F. Dewoll, and X. S. Sun. 2002. Comparison of near-infrared reflectance spectroscopy and texture analyzer for measuring wheat bread changes in storage. Cereal Chem. 80(1): 25-29.

147. Carson, L., X. S. Sun, C. Setser, and Y. Peng. 2002. Assessing cohesiveness of mass in foods using an electronic sensing system. J. Texture Studies 33 (6): 571-584.

148. Wang, F., and X. S. Sun. 2002. Frequency dependence of viscoelastic properties of bread crumb and relation to bread staling. Cereal Chem. 79(1):108-114.

149. Wang, H., X. S. Sun, and P. Seib. 2002. Mechanical properties of poly(lasctic acid) and wheat starch with methylenediphenyl diisocyanate. J. Applied Polymer Science 84: 1257-1262.

150. Wang, H., X. S. Sun, and P. Seib. 2002. Effects of starch moisture on properties of wheat starch/poly(lactic acid) blend containing methylenediphenyl diisocyanate. J. Polymers and the Environment 10 (4): 133-138.

151. Mo, X., and X. S. Sun. 2002. Thermal and mechanical properties of plastics molded from sodium dodecyl sulfate-modified soy protein isolates. J. Polymers and the Environment 8 (4): 161-166.

152. Wang, D., and X. S. Sun. 2002. Low density straw particle board. Industrial Crops and Products 15(1): 43-50.

153. Mo, X. and X. S. Sun. 2002. Plasticization of soy protien polymmer by polyol-based plasticizers. J. American Oil Chemist Society 79: 197-202.

154. Mo, X. and X. S. Sun. 2002. Effects of storage time on properties of soybean protein-based plastics. J. Polymers and the Environment 11 (1): 15-22.

155. Ke, T., and X. S. Sun, 2002. Thermal and mechanical properties of poly(lactic acids)/starch/MDI blending with triethyl citrate. J. Applied Polymer Science 88 (13): 2947-2955.

156. Mo, X., E. Cheng, D. Wang, and X. S. Sun. 2002. Physical properties of medium-density straw particleboard. Industrial Crops and Products 18(1): 47-53.

157. Ke, T. Y., and X. S. Sun. 2001. Effects of moisture content and heat treatment on physical properties of starch and poly(lactic acid) blends. J. Applied Polymer Science 81: 3069-3082.

158. Zhong, Z., and X. S. Sun. 2001. Thermal and mechanical properties and water absorption of guanidine hydrochloride modified soy protein (11S). J. Applied Polymer Science 78: 1063-1070.

159. Zhong, Z., and X. S. Sun. 2001. Thermal and mechanical properties and water absorption of sodium dodecyl sulfate modified soy protein (11S). J. Applied Polymer Science 81: 166-175.

160. Mo, X., Jie H., X. S. Sun, and J. Ratto. 2001. Compression and tensile strength of low density wheat-protein particle board. Industrial Crops and Products 14: 1-9.

161. Ke, T. and X. S. Sun. 2001. Thermal and mechanical properties of poly (lactic acid) and starch blends with various plasticizers. Transitions of ASAE 44(4): 945-953.

162. Zhong, Z. and X. S. Sun. 2001. Thermal and mechanical properties and water absorption of soy protein /polycaprolactone blends. Polymer 42(2001): 6961-6969.

163. Mo, X., and X. S. Sun, 2001. Thermal and mechanical properties of plastics molded from urea modified soy protein isolates. J. American Oil Chemist Society 78: 867-872.

164. Wang, H., X. S. Sun, and P. Seib. 2001. Strengthening blends of poly(lasctic acid) and starch with methylenediphenyl diisocyanate. J. Applied Polymer Science 82: 1761-1767. (Cited 261 by 2018)

165. Zhong, Z., X. S. Sun, X. Feng, and J. Ratto. 2001 Adhesion strength of sodium dodecyl sulfate-modified soy protein on fiberboard. J. Adhesion Science and Technology 15(12): 1417-1427.

166. Wang, D., and X. S. Sun. 2001. Composites from agricultural-derived resins and fibers. AGRO food INDUSTRY HI TECH, July-Aug. Issue.

167. Ke, T., and X. S. Sun, 2001. Starch, poly(lactic acid) and poly(vinyl alcohol) blends. J. Polymers and the Environment Vol 11 (1): 27-34.

168. Karr, G., and X. S.Sun. 2000. Physical properties of strawboard as affected by processing parameters. Industrial Crops and Products 12:19-24.

169. Zhong, Z., and X. S. Sun. 2000. Thermal behavior and nonfreezing water of soybean protein components. Cereal Chem. 77(4):495-500.

170. Ke, T. Y. and X. S. Sun. 2000. Mechanical and thermal properties of starch and poly(lactic acid) with varying blending ratios. Cereal Chem. 77(6): 761-768.

171. Carson, L., C. Sester, and X. S. Sun. 2000. Sensory characterization of sorghum composite bread. International Journal of Food Science and Technology 35: 465-471.

172. Carson, L., and X. S. Sun. 2000. Breads from white grain sorghum: Rheological properties and baking volume with exogenous gluten protein. J. Applied Engineering in Agriculture 16(4):423-429.

173. Carson, L., and X. S. Sun. 2000. Breads from white grain sorghum: Effects of SSL, DATEM, and Xanthan gum on sorghum bread volume. J. Applied Engineering in Agriculture 16(4):431-436.

174. Sun, X. S., F. T. Wang, L. Carson, and C. Sester. 2000. Electronic sensing system for texture characterization of foods during chewing. Transaction of the ASAE 44(3): 623-630.

175. Carson, L., and X. S. Sun. 2000. Creep-Recovery of bread and its texture attributes. Cereal Chem. 78(1): 101-104.

176. Huang, W., and X. S. Sun. 2000. Adhesive properties of soy proteins modified by urea and guanidine hydrochloride. J. American Oil Chemist Society 77(1): 101-104.

177. Karr, G., and X. S. Sun. 2000. Strawboard from vapor phase acetylation of wheat straw. Industrial Crops and Products 11: 31-41.

178. Huang, W., and X. S. Sun. 2000. Adhesive properties of soy proteins modified by sodium dodecyl sulfate and sodium dodecylbenzene sulfonate. J. American Oil Chemist Society 77(7): 705-708.

179. Zhong, Z., X. S. Sun, X. Feng, and J. Ratto. 2000. Adhesive properties of soy protein with fiber cardboard. J. American Oil Chemist Society78(1):37-41.

180. Wang, F., and X. S. Sun. 1999. Thermal expansion of flour-water dough in baking. Cereal Chemistry 76(1): 87-91.

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