Milling Science Club

The Milling Science Club was formed in 1930 and has been a great way for students interested in milling science to learn more outside of the classroom. Milling Science Club members participate in many activities including field trips to nearby flour mills, and other grain processing facilities, attending conferences such as the Grain Elevator and Processing Society conference and International Association of Operative Millers conference.

If interested in joining the mill science club please contact Fran Churchill or Jason Watt. Club meetings are held on the second Thursday of every month during the school year.


Help support the Milling Science Club by purchasing the following products that members gain hands-on experience making:
Pancake mix
Beer bread mix
Oatmeal cookie mix
Flour– unbleached, bleached and wheat
If you are interested in purchasing any of these products, please contact Milling Science Club Products are also available at Call Hall.

2024-2025 Milling Science Club Officers

President- Monica Hammeke
Vice President- Kaden Dunlap
Secretary- Grace Young
Flour Sales Lead- Justin Hodge
Flour Sales Committee- Katie Stevens, Kaden Dunlap, Brayton Brueggen, Collin Smith
Ag Council Rep- Brayton Brueggen
Event Chair- Joey Wells
Advisor- Fran Churchill and Jason Watt

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