Lesson Plans

This two week unit is designed to walk high school students through the life cycle of wheat, preparing the grain for milling, milling, and the post-production options that are provided in the Grain Science department.


Links for Lessons

Lesson Overview

Lesson Overview

1. Introduction to Wheat

Lesson Plan

PowerPoint Presentation on classes of wheat

2. Wheat Harvest, Cleaning, Tempering

Lesson Plan

PowerPoint Presentation on harvesting, cleaning, and tempering

PowerPoint Presentation on guessing whether products contain wheat

3. Wheat Milling

Lesson Plan

PowerPoint Presentation on wheat milling

4. Other Grains

Lesson Plan

PowerPoint Presentation on other grains

5. Livestock Feed

Lesson Plan

PowerPoint Presentation on feed manufacturing for use with graphic organizer

6. Baking Industry

Lesson Plan

PowerPoint Presentation on food industry trends

7. Baking Math Lesson Plan
8. Baking Sourdough Lesson Plan
9. Value-Added Products

Lesson Plan

PowerPoint Presentation on value-added products

10. Grain Science Careers & Education Lesson Plan